Getting Realigned

What happens when our spinal cord gets out of alignment? Eventually the misalignment shows in our posture, perhaps in the way we walk, and it can sometimes lead to pain or discomfort. The same applies when we get out of alignment with our source, God. We become too focused on things and physicality as our only source of happiness and success. We get overly consumed with what matters to our physical senses, and we forget about our spiritual essence, and our true reason for being.

We’re so focused on the outer world of deadlines, promotions and material possessions that we forget about our spiritual evolution. Are we here merely to acquire more things, for job status, or for some sort of recognition? There’s nothing wrong with wanting wealth or prestige, but the problem lies when “things” become our only pursuit or idea of success.

Let’s say you lost all your material possessions and all the revenue you ever had, what happens afterwards? How will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you choose things or wealth as your identity or happiness, and you lose it, then you lose yourself in the process.

Let’s say you lost your reputation, or you lost your lover, how will you identify yourself? Will you say my life is over? If you say I don’t know who I am anymore, then you’ve made things, physicality, or recognition, your identity.

No wonder people get confused or breakdown when they lose their home or spouse or reputation. I believe it’s normal to feel grief when we lose these things, the problem lies when we make things or physicality our identity or our only source of happiness.

Are you depending on things, or another person for your alignment? If you depend on anything outside yourself for your alignment, you lost your control over your happiness and the unfolding of your life.

You cannot control people, events and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to people, events and circumstances. By controlling your reaction, you just shifted the overall unfolding of your life in your favour. Alignment is not through things or people, it’s through your relationship with you and God.

Are you focused endlessly on deadlines, promotions or the next raise that you forget about self-care? An analogy would be someone running a marathon who sprints the first 10km, only to have him end up quitting half way.

The other alternative would be to take time for yourself, and reconnect with your higher self, while meeting deadlines and at the end of your work week, you’ll say: “Great, the weekend”. And after the weekend, you’ll say: “Great, back at work for another week”. The only way to find your balance back is through your source, not through things.

All For A Reason

The moment you try to end your life or you contemplate it, is the day the pain will be a multitude greater, because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home. As long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive. Danny G.


Why do we see karma as an act of revenge or punishment? It’s as if we need validation that every person will get their day. We should see karma as a teacher for all of us. When we are hurt by another, we know how it feels, and we care to not hurt another person the same way. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, then we remain stagnant and don’t grow, which is a greater burden.

Here is a definition of karma according to an online dictionary: karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. In this text I’m focusing on karma’s interconnection with people and humanity, rather than from an individual perspective. I’m focusing on bringing light to the word karma, so we may work in unity rather than focusing on revenge and punishment.

Karma should be viewed as a teacher for our own evolution as individuals and humanity. We shouldn’t use karma as a coping mechanism to say they’ll get their day. What’s the saying that’s been repeated over and over again by the world’s greatest teachers? We are all one! Therefore, no one is left out, even the ones who repeatedly hurt people in their lifetime. I understand behaviour has consequences and it must be dealt with accordingly. However, by continuing to use karma as an act of revenge, we will only cause more acts of revenge.

God knows we’re not standing in a state of completion or perfection, but he does admire progress and learning from our mistakes. Without learning from our mistakes, we wouldn’t grow and without growth we’re not really living, and we’re of little value to others. For everything in life requires growth and expansion, primarily on a soul level, to create a better life for ourselves and for humanity.

If God loves all of us, then he would want peace for all of us. A peaceful ecosystem requires growth and learning from mistakes to essentially have a peaceful world. If the behaviour means anything to us on any level and we know we shouldn’t have behaved this way, karma acts as a teacher to help us grow as a human being.

Think of a time where you hurt someone, and after the fact that you hurt someone, another person hurt you the same way. You said to yourself, now I know how it feels. You then said, because I know how it feels, I choose to never do it again to another person. Why is that? Is it a punishment or is it you learning from your mistakes and wanting to grow as a person? You can say God helped you see the situation through his compassionate lenses.

Sometimes we don’t recognize our weakness and sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge our weakness. Either way without recognizing or acknowledging our weaknesses, growth is impossible, and we remain stagnant. Would you rather be the person who wants to grow or the person who chooses to remain stagnant and who has too much pride to admit he isn’t perfect?

If you feel karma is present in your life, just know it’s because God is helping you see the behaviour through different lenses, whether it’s your behaviour or someone else. Therefore, change your beliefs about karma. See karma as an opportunity for everyone to grow as a human being. Know that once you learn from your mistakes, there’s no need for continual reminders of what you call karma.

We’re all in this together, we’re just not at the same place, and know that whatever choice you make impacts another person and therefore changes the world one step at a time. Choose wisely!

Don’t Condemn It

Don’t condemn anything that produces healing for anything that heals is from the divine. God only wants health and happiness for his children, and anything that heals mentally, physically and spiritually comes from him. The scripture clearly states “He came that we may have life, joy abundance,” so anything that brings life, joy and abundance must come from God. Danny G.

You’re Still Here For A Reason

The moment you try to end your life or you contemplate it, is the day the pain will be a multitude greater, because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home. As long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive.
Danny G.

An old man made a comment a long time ago when I was a young teenager around 12, or 13, and it stayed with me until this very day. A statement that sounds so simplistic, yet people consistently fight against it. He said there’s one obligation in life that everyone will have to face at one point or another. Everything else is a choice, but this one unavoidable experience that we must all face is death.

Everyone on this planet at the present time will leave this time space reality at one point. If we accept this reality that physical death is inevitable, then why do we try to end our life before our time? We’re fighting against the only obligation in our life that is inevitable.

The moment you decide that you want to end your life, you will know deep inside your gut, that you are making a big mistake. You know in your heart, as long as you have breath, you’re supposed to be alive. Denying your existence would be going against the laws of nature, because you know God still wants you here and he needs you.

Why are you trying to end your time before your mission is complete? We all need growth on an individual perspective and on a global scale, and sometimes the reasons we want our escape, are the reasons meant to catapult us to our divine destiny.

You have joyful experiences ahead, and you have something to give that will all make sense one day. You will say I’m glad I didn’t give up and I know why I went through that experience, since I became a better person and I helped others along the way.

You may say it’s too difficult, or I feel this emptiness that will not leave. Consider, if you were supposed to die, it would have happened already, but you’re still here because you and God chose for you to be here. These challenges are meant for your own expansion and for all the lives you touch. Simply by being you and being the best version of yourself, means you have purpose and it means you have something to give that no one else can, because there’s no exact replica of you.

You’re trying to end a journey that still needs unfolding, and you’ll feel an uneasiness that will be greater than the statement “I can’t take it anymore.” Because deep down you know you’re supposed to be alive, and you know you’re supposed to be alive until the day God calls you home.

The right time to call your exit on this physical plane, will be when you’re old and wrinkly, and you will have lived a joyous fulfilling life. Then you’ll say it’s my time and I’ve completed my mission and I shall go in peace. Until then you have a life to live and joyous experiences along the way.

No Pit Too Deep

There’s no pit so deep that you cannot find a solution. There’s no mistakes you’ve made that would stop God’s love for you. For God is a source of love, and he is limitless and infinite, and he promised all things are possible! He also said according to your faith it shall be done unto you, so whatever you’re yearning for is achieved through faithful thoughts, words and actions, and it’s done one step at a time! Danny G.

Loving Oneself (Poem)

When he truly loves himself,

Accepts himself as he is,

Why does he need approval,

From anybody else.

If he is secure,

The critics don’t matter,

He knows where he stands,

Controversies don’t last.

If he truly loves himself,

Then why does he need convincing,

To prove to him, only what he can.

For if he is secure,

Then no words can offend him,

And he forgets what’s said.

When he truly loves himself,

What do compliments do,

Than reinforce what he knows.

And what does criticism do,

If it disagrees with his whole.

If he truly loves himself,

Why does he need praise,

When he praises himself,

And what is disrespect,

When he respects himself.

If he truly loves himself,

Then there’s no convincing,

And no ridicule,

That can make him change.

Because he is secure,

In what he knows,

And what others say,

He doesn’t care,

For he respects himself,

Above all else.

When he truly loves himself,

He doesn’t need another,

To bring him, only what he can.

A lover or a friend,

Only reinforces who he is,

For he searches himself,

And then the right ones come,

And are here to stay.

When he truly loves himself,

He doesn’t forget himself,

Or where he comes from,

Or who he is.

Because he is secure,

In what he knows,

And he loves himself,

Despite what others say.

Early Intervention

The greatest solution to overcoming an addiction is looking at the long-term outcome rather than the short-term high. How does an addiction usually turn out if nothing is done to overcome it? How does intervention usually turn out when it’s caught at the right time? What is your greatest hope ideally for your life? The only reason you perpetuate the problem is because you don’t believe anything will work or you don’t think ahead of how it will turn out. Focus on a long-term approach, not a short-term approach. You will have adjustment period, but it will be ideally for your own well-being. Danny G.