Nothing Beyond Your Capabilities

Whenever you’re focusing on all the defeats or failures of life, stop and be aware. Listen to what the situation is telling you. Listen to the source within you. There’s a lesson for every failure, and there’s something to learn or remember from every challenge. Know your power and realize nothing is beyond your reach and capabilities. Danny G. 

Misconceptions Into Clarity

The soul holds no contradictions. Words often have contradictions, which is what creates misconceptions and strife. The soul is essentially what we are, our heart and soul in complete fruition. If we can live from this space, misconceptions and confusion becomes clarity, inner peace and faith. Danny G.

Mastering Our Thinking

The failure can sink us into a pit so deep, we cannot summon a means to escape, or we can master our thinking and emotions. Once we master our thoughts and feelings, the impossibility becomes a possibility with faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Let Go Of Limitations

Accept the insights, wisdom and advice that resonates with your soul, and let go of the rest. Growing means knowing who you truly are, and what you’re capable of. It’s letting go of limitations and embracing the new. Danny G. 

Listening to the Spirit

The mind often has misconceptions, preconceptions and confusion. The spirit believes in possibilities and faith. The spirit believes it can do anything through you. The mind can talk us out of success if we become overly fearful and pessimistic. Talk yourself into abundance and prosperity. Feed your mind with the spirit of faith and optimism. With this mindset and persistence, triumph is inevitable. Danny G. 

Leaving Tracks

The way you live is leaving tracks for others to follow. You can leave tracks of pessimism, fear and bitterness, or you can leave tracks of optimism, faith and compassion. Living in a world of polarity, you have the power to influence this generation. Danny G. 

Let It Become You

The greatest barrier is not moving past the psychological road blocks. The road blocks appear in the form of fear, pessimism, bitterness or anything negative. On the other side of negativity is clarity, faith, peace, optimism and compassion. You must seek to find it. Practice it, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

I Can Change You Now

Nothing can resist your will if it’s strong enough. Nothing can sink you down without your consent. Speak to your resistance, say you’re nothing but a thought, and I can change you now. Danny G.