The Optimist and the Pessimist

What difference can you make if you’re feeling resentment and anger for every poor choice you have made throughout this lifetime? Resentment and anger never uplifts. What difference can you make if you loved yourself despite your imperfections and if you knew God loved you regardless of where you currently stand? Humanity doesn’t want to listen to someone who’s constantly beaten down by life. Humanity needs encouragement and compassion. There’s enough naysayers in the world, hence, the world needs more optimistic people. The world needs more people who appreciate themselves and love God despite their imperfections. It needs people who still want to create positive change regardless of where they currently stand. Danny G.

The Meaning of Poetry (Poem)

Poetry is a voice, 

A seemingly once troubled mind

Who found peace

In the midst of chaos, 

Wanting to share his gift to the world.

Once fascinated by his thoughts,

He could not stop them, 

Until he put them on paper

And declared what he knew.

Poetry is an emotion 

Deep within ourselves 

Trying to find rest 

Through words and wisdom 

Combined for entertainment.

Let’s not forget, 

The core of poetry, 

With making something sound so beautiful,

But empty.

For beautiful words doesn’t change the world,

But poetry does, 

With a meaningful, and lasting word.

The Exhilaration of the Journey

The exhilaration of a journey is figuring it out along the way. If you’re perfect, or your life is perfect, or the world is perfect, there would be no point of a journey, hence, there would be no expansion, and no reason to thrive. Don’t condemn uncertainties, or doubts, as they are merely stepping-stones to discover yourself, your path, and ultimately your destiny. Danny G. 

Contrast and Opposites (Poem)

For without darkness,

There cannot be light. 

Without failure,

There cannot be success.

Without trials,

There cannot be patience.

Without contrast, 

There cannot be a humanity.

Without challenges,

There cannot be triumph.

For the world exists

Where opposites work together.

To create a world 

Of correlation

An extension of each other. 

To create change, 

And a peaceful nation.

Where we all strive for greatness.


Your True Source is You (Poem)

We live our lives,

Depending on others,

To make us happy,

Because deep down,

We feel scared and frail,

And need approval,

From other souls.

We search for approval,

Through everyone but we,

Because the moment

Someone values what,

We cannot conceive,

We want more,

To escape the longing,

Inside our soul.

The longing becomes unbearable,

Each time we need approval,

We seek outside ourselves,

To bring only, what we can.

We don’t get to the source,

Which is our soul,

If we simply listen,

The answer is within,

The essential calling,

Of our soul.

Your Source and Power

God created you as you are for a reason, and he knows every mistake you will ever make until you leave this time space reality. So what do you have control over, other than being who you truly are, and ultimately the best version of you? Danny G.

The Road to Mastery (Poem)

Through trial and error,

We tough the storm.

The wind blows against our soul,

In this illusionary world.

We don’t understand life,

As we squeeze tight

To be right.

The ideas, that once worked,

Are now expired,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

We make our stance,

Declare what we know.

The wind blows beneath our feet,

And shakes us deep.

We declare our wants,

More comes against us.

As we make our stance,

And are now sturdy,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

The wind doesn’t shake us.

As we learn through leaping forward,

Through the laws that govern us all.

The wind remains beneath our feet,

As we make our stance,

In this illusionary world.

Through trial and error,

We stand up straight.

Firm, unwavering, ready to play.

As we acknowledge our ways,

In this created reality,

Where we declare out loud,

And write the script.

Acceptance and Imperfections

I believe actions have consequences and we are to be the best version of ourselves and do good unto others. However, believing that we’re not worthy because we haven’t achieved a state of perfection would be denying or forsaking God’s own creation. Danny G.

Patience Where Wisdom lies (Poem)


As it remains and escapes,

Through the process of trial and error,

Where wisdom lies.

An underestimating emotion,

We cannot stand.

Though uneasy at first,

Inner peace lies.


Being steadfast and firm,

Though contradictions spies,

In a world of its own,

Of wisdom and lies.


Though uneasy and flat,

Indecisive and black,

Contemplating time and elation,

Like a fiery trial.


Though treacherous at first,

If we simply pull through,

Wisdom lies.

An Angel Ignited my Path (Poem)

When the rock struck me sideways,

Lying face down,

Confused and afraid,

Couldn’t see the daylight.

Dazzled as to where to leap,

Or where to turn,

In my confused altered mind.

But you stood amongst it,

Never blamed,

Nor question,

My reason for being.

Falls, turns and detours

I sympathize the whys,

The reasons for my trial.

Drifting through the motions,

On autopilot senseless,

In utter despair. 

You stood amongst it,

And saw potential, 

When all I saw was judgment,

In my own eyes.

The future was pale,

My intentions scattered,

Through the wall,

With Uncertainties and doubts,

Filling my mind.

As I try to escape my thoughts,


Of what path may be.

You never relinquished, 

Or ceased to be,

Your very best to me.

Though the time has passed,

And those days didn’t last,

The push served me greatly, 

The rest was history, 

Of my own making.

And I’ll never forget, 

When I’m old and wrinkly, 

An angel from God,

Ignited my path, 

And never ceased to be,

Her very best to me.