Your Purpose and Calling

You find yourself and your purpose by being noble, honest and showing integrity. 

You find yourself and your purpose by giving as much as receiving. 

You find yourself and your purpose by forgiving despite the anger simmering underneath. 

You find yourself and your purpose by listening as much as teaching. 

You find yourself and your purpose by loving your opponent despite the chaos he created. 

You find yourself and your purpose by pausing to think, rather than give in. 

You find yourself and your purpose by seeing the beauty in the mundane. 

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at defeat, and calling it a beginning.

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at the degraded, and calling them winners. 

You find yourself and your purpose by being content when it’s not your success.

You find yourself and your purpose by showing humility rather than pride.

You find yourself and your purpose by seeking growth, which is essentially who you are. 

And you lose yourself by being everything you’re not, and failing to realize who you are. 

Danny G.

Don’t Negate You

Some sacrifices are unhealthy, for you were never meant to be left out of the equation. You are worthy, valued, and you need fulfillment just as much as anybody else. Don’t negate you, and don’t believe the noble choice is to neglect you for others. For you have dreams and aspirations that are calling you. And you have dreams and aspirations awaiting for your unique evolution, and for the expansion of humanity. Danny G.

Divine Purpose

You chose this mountain because climbing it would spring forth the most miraculous sunset among the greatest sky. You chose this mountain because the end product resonated with your very core. And you knew if you persisted, the victory was inevitable and breathtaking to say the least. Danny G.

Focusing on the Outcome

Ponder a subject long enough and you’ll create its very existence. For whatever you give perpetual great emotion, the manifestation begins. You can stop anything from occurring if you simply change your focus, and release pessimism, fears and dread. When you focus on a brighter outcome with perpetual faith and joy, the manifestation begins. Focus on it long enough, and you’ll create the very essence of your intention and desire. Danny G.

Your Ultimate Power

Nothing controls you other than what you’re allowing to control you. The reason you believe this adversity is controlling you is because you think the adversity is greater than the force that is for you. Know God, our source and creator, is the most powerful force in the universe. He is the universe, and he is in everything that you see. Therefore, don’t give the adversity any power, and put all your faith in God. For he knows you best, and he knows exactly what you need to overcome and thrive. Danny G.

Step Boldly

Let God fight your battles for you. Ask him boldly to intervene, and know that honesty and integrity wins the battle. Know that no mistake is too great for him, and know that any challenge can be overcome through his power, wisdom, and love. Danny G.

Perfection and Perception

Perfection can mean two things. It can mean being your best where you are with what you have. Or it can be the impossible task of getting everything right and never falling. With the former, you have control, and you choose your reaction. However, the latter will never give you the power to create and ultimately the gift of the journey. Danny G.

Contrast and Growth

Do not condemn preference or contrast, for preference or contrast creates the world and individuality. Without it, there is no humanity, and without it, there is no universe. Just like a bouquet of flowers, you can choose your preference, and like a buffet, you can choose your preference. One doesn’t make the other wrong, it just adds to the whole. Therefore, do not condemn others preference or contrast, just choose your own, and allow humanity to choose their own. For without it there is no creation. Danny G.

The Journey and Triumph

Honor yourself for persevering despite the seemingly little odds. Honor yourself for not given in despite the world crashing down on you. Honor yourself to have the courage to step forth boldly despite the many falls and detours. Honor yourself for the bravery in your veins despite the infirmities you face. Honor yourself for doing the right thing despite the many temptations. Most importantly, honor the long road home and triumph that gave you the journey. Danny G.


Embrace the past with love in your heart, and embrace the growth it brought forth today. All the turns, detours, and failures together, created the journey and purpose today. Forgive yourself, and release all guilt. For acceptance or guilt creates health or sickness. Don’t forget your destiny awaits for your simple pleasure, purpose and creation. And don’t forget to honor the long road home that brought you the journey. Danny G.