Don’t be down because of your failing, for every great man of faith had many stumbling blocks before his breakthrough. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted, focused on his victory, and he was grateful for every improvement along his heartfelt mission and journey. Danny G.
The Ideal Time
For every season that ends, there’s a realization you won’t walk through this same door again. If you stay focused on this closed chapter, you may not see all the other possibilities. They’re waiting for you if you simply let go and embrace the new opportunities destined to be. Keep an open mind, and know everything comes at the ideal time. Danny G.
The Leader and Teacher
We struggle to accept new beliefs and philosophies, as we hold on to the old, not knowing it’s time to change. Old beliefs become ingrained as we act on autopilot perpetuating the past. The true leader and teacher says, I can set a new goal and achieve what wasn’t thought before. I don’t need others to set the course, as I can choose my own path and ultimately change humanity. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Failing and being aware of it is step one. Failing and being willing to improve is step two. Failing and declaring your healing is true healing. But failing and not taking action is failure. Danny G.
Honesty Wins
Whatever is done with honesty and integrity has a way of seizing the opponent’s hand, and throwing it back in his face. For lies, treachery, and cruelty never wins with God. But an honest approach, and a willingness to improve will always alter the course in your favor. Danny G.
Healing and Grace
Believing actions hold no consequences is not healthy. Accepting you’re a human being on a spiritual evolution bound to fall from time to time, is reality. Being human shouldn’t be an excuse to fail without a sincere heart, but it should be a reason to forgive as well. Every great man and woman failed at times, but the one common precursor was they truly believed in their worthiness, power, and grace. Danny G.
Seeking Balance and Growth
Life cannot be a constant high with no battles to fight. Nor can it be a constant low without you creating the essence of those thoughts. Therefore seek balance, where contentment and joy lies. Embrace the journey, with all the falls and detours. For without it all, there is no journey, and without it all, you wouldn’t have a reference point for choice and creation. Danny G.