The State Of Receivership

Allowing and receiving is being in a state of receivership. It’s knowing the desire is already yours, as you hold the vision in your mind and don’t waver. The only control we’ll ever have is through thought, word, and action. When these 3 things are in alignment with your desire, you are a match to whatever it is you’re attracting. 

Manifestation means you feel the emotions you will feel, when you hold it in the palm of your hands. It means you know if one person did it, so can you, or you can be the first one to achieve what was once deemed impossible. The ones who achieve the impossible say I don’t need proof, I can be the living example of breaking the limitations and thriving. I can serve as a testimony for anyone who needs that boost of faith and confirmation. 

We all come from the same spirit that creates worlds, so don’t underestimate yourself and what you’re capable of doing from the divine. We are all created from the divine, and there is a God or Goddess within everyone. When we realize this, we unleash our inner gifts for ourselves and the world.

Recognizing the God or Goddess within us is saying we have the spirit to conquer anything, to achieve anything, and to be anything we desire. Recognizing this spirit is the ultimate state of receivership. It’s knowing when you do the mental work, you’re in the process of creation. It’s knowing when you feel the emotions of joy, gratitude, and love, you’re manifesting the essence of your thoughts and emotions. It’s knowing when you’re imagining, you’re in the process of creation and transformation. 

You can be in the process of a negative creation or positive creation, so invest time being productive with your thoughts, your inner dialogue, and the words you speak. Follow the inspiration, and take the action steps. 

The pen is in your hands, know your power, and know with unwavering faith, you can reshape your destiny. Remember, the source remains with your every thought, word and action, so do your part and allow the universe to unleash its magic.  

Return to Faith

When we’re children we believe in what seems impossible. We believe we are capable and worthy of achieving our dreams. Over time, we see unfulfilled dreams, naysayers and havoc in the world. We then convince ourselves that we are powerless and that the outside world has a hold on us. If we can go back to that childhood feeling and faith, we’d realize we lost our way on our physical trail. We began to see life through others perspective and their can’t dos. Return to that childhood spirit, renew your youth, and know nothing has changed since then, only your disbelief. Return to faith, and boldly declare I CAN DO IT! Danny G. 

Your Potential and Strength

Your world mirrors back your essential needs and progress. If you keep on hearing the same thing again and again, it’s usually the universe trying to open your mind and soul. Be open minded, and see those as reminders of love convincing you of your potential and strength. Danny G.

Overcoming Yourself

Overcome yourself by letting go of your ego and pride. Overcome yourself by breaking the old pattern of pessimism and bitterness. Overcome yourself by realizing your freedom, and that you’re destined to be whoever you choose to be. Know in your heart, all things are possible, and the life you desire is about overcoming your old personality, and embracing the new. Danny G. 

Persisted With Faith

Don’t be overly critical of yourself since we’re all here for a learning experience, or a remembering experience. Every great master falls from time to time, and every great master had his hardships to deal with. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted with faith knowing nothing is impossible with God. Danny G. 

Born A Phoenix

When you feel that void within the depth of your being, fill it with God’s unconditional love. Fill it with his wisdom, compassion and strength. In time that void will dissipate, as you learn to let go and embrace the divine being you are. You were born a phoenix and you always will be. Danny G. 

Truly Fulfilled

Impatience is not being at peace in the present moment. For if you had inner peace and joy, you would already be truly fulfilled. When you’re impatient, uneasiness sets in as you grapple with peace. If you would know there’s an ideal timing for everything, you would stop trying to force it into being. You would smile in appreciation knowing every season has a reason for being, and each season has something to learn, and something to embrace. Danny G. 

The Spiritual Evolution

You’re a spiritual being on a spiritual journey

You have two beings within you at all times. One being is your inner being, or you can call it a soul, or spirit. The other being is the physical body that exists within the time space reality. Both are constantly affected by one another. 

Whenever you spend more time inward, you tap in to the infinite intelligence or the God or Goddess inside you. You tap into this infinite intelligence by meditating, practicing mindfulness, or any type of spiritual practice that allows you to connect to the divine. 

Anything that quiets the mind is beneficial to your mind and body, because when you quiet your mind, you let go of distractions that prevent you from having clarity of thought. When you have clarity of thought, you can listen to your inner guidance and wisdom. 

Stress is created by an overactive mind, in which you’re obsessing over a number of stressors. You’re either stressing about the past or in most cases the future. When you stop fighting the thought, you’re in the present moment and you’re able to access your higher consciousness. When you access your higher consciousness, you feel true joy, gratitude and love, because accessing your higher consciousness means connecting to the divine. The divine is joy, gratitude, love and all the good in the world. When you operate out of the divine, you’re receptive to the insights from your soul, and the ego vanishes. 

What does ego mean? The origin of the acronym means “edging God out.” When you act from your soul, being right is irrelevant because all you want to seek is love. When you act from your soul, fear vanishes because you have faith that can move worlds. When you act from your soul you’re no longer desperate for your desires, because you feel as though they already manifested or you feel such appreciation that the desire is irrelevant. 

That’s where true freedom lies, with faith and love that cannot be shaken. This is the divinity that you are, a shell that has the most powerful energy inside you, which is God. 

Release the Shackles

Release the shackles beneath your feet, and embrace the stillness within. You were born into freedom, and your dreams are calling you within. Every breakthrough began with one single step, a step towards freedom and unconditional love. Appreciate it, live it, go forth, and be a shining light to the world. Danny G. 

The Act of Allowing

Allow yourself to dream, allow yourself to love, with the passion ignited from above. Don’t be a slave to your own misconceptions and preconceived notions. Just be who you truly are, while shining your light for a brighter humanity. Danny G.