Embracing Change

Change is necessary for your growth and evolution, and you fight it consistently. Every success, breakthrough and healing came from change and taking risks. Every journey had setbacks and detours, but the ones who embraced change and remained focused on their dream, persevered and had their breakthrough. Danny G. 

Embrace the Phoenix You Are

Acceptance is key to move forward and release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to accept the imperfections and contrast of the world. Embrace your freedom and power, and know they’re stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Let go and embrace the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Divine Surplus

Don’t focus on just getting by, or merely having your needs supplied. Focus on the infinite limitless source that is in you, that created you, and that created the universe. There is a divine surplus waiting for you when you act with faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Discovering Yourself Anew

Self discovery and transformation is why you’re here in this physical plane. You came to discover yourself anew and manifest your deepest desires. Every time you discover yourself, you realize there’s more to discover, and every time you look at the world, you realize there’s more to discover. That is the true process of self discovery and transformation. Danny G. 

Safe Haven

The divine will keep you safe as you tread mountains and dark valleys. Trust in his power, in his guiding light to lead you to a safe haven. Don’t doubt his power when fear comes knocking at your door. Have faith that he will cause you to overcome and triumph. Danny G. 

Faith Over Fear

Your mind is powerful, as you can choose fear or faith. Your fear plays out as the ugly scenario in your mind, and your faith plays out as the dream you hold in your heart. Be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and choose faith over fear. Danny G. 


Don’t focus on others beliefs and expectations, for they’re operating under the law of their conscience, thereby creating from negative beliefs. Focus on your intuition, wisdom and your CAN DO spirit. When you act on these beliefs aligned with the divine, miracles happen and unleash for your greatest good and calling. Danny G. 

Be the Eagle

Don’t feed the anger, honor it, embrace it, and use it constructively. Don’t feed the resentment, let go and act with love. Don’t feed the fear, reverse it by affirming the opposite. Feed the right emotions and let go of the old. Be the eagle who rises high above the stormy night. The turbulence doesn’t scare him, for he knows he can find that space of stillness, where the calm settles in with the bright sunrise. He can always find this space of stillness by spreading his wings and soaring. Danny G. 

Destined to Grow

You come into this world to learn the truths that govern humanity. You come into this world to know the infinite limitless being you are. You come into this world to know we’re all interconnected, and we’re all in this together. You learn these truths for your own well being and the well being of others. By knowing these truths, you impart them to the world as a seed destined to grow. Danny G. 

Create Your Work Of Art

In life you’ll move from state to state, and season to season. Every state has something to learn and potential for growth. Don’t remain stuck in the previous states forever, learn from them and expand with the whole of humanity. Don’t fight each season, accept them, embrace them, and create your work of art on the beautiful canvas we call life. Danny G.