Intention is everything. You can intend health, happiness and success, or you can intend sickness, pessimism and failure. Whatever is at the forefront of your mind appears as experience and insight waiting to be discovered. Tap into this potential of intention creation, and intend the very best for your life and humanity. Danny G.
Focus on Your Victory
You can dread the future, focus on pessimism and fears, or you can focus on the journey getting easier and easier. Whatever you focus on, you perpetuate. It’s your choice as you carve the path before you. Nobody is carving it for you, so be the master, declare things are getting easier and easier, and focus on your victory, not the defeat. Danny G.
Quote for Today
You can look at the news of the world and be the victim, or you can look at the news of the world and be an ambassador for positive change. Danny G.
Accept Each Season
Winning or losing is not the test. Seeking the grandest version of you is the test you imposed on yourself for your spiritual journey. Being your best where you are with what you have is the self imposed trial that is for your personal transformation and discovery. Don’t fight it, accept each season, and accept each battle which is ultimately for your greatest good and potential within. Danny G.
Choosing Wisdom Before Chaos
Do I want to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously? Many sleep walk their entire lives bumping into opposition and adversities and not knowing what to do. They become overwhelmed and give in before their breakthrough. Be the one who persists with faith, knowing he can conquer all odds. Be the one who chooses self awareness, before acting on impulse. And be the one who chooses wisdom before chaos. Danny G.
The Answer and Solution Lies Within
Seek inward for all the wisdom and inspiration you need. The answer and solution lies within when you cast your faith in the infinite intelligence. There’s nothing you cannot be, do or have, and it all starts with seeking inward for wisdom and inspiration from the limitless source. Danny G.
Release the Barriers
Do not add barricades to your path and personal growth. You add barriers by resisting the God or Goddess within you. You add barriers by listening to the lies and misconceptions of you. And you add barriers by suppressing the God or Goddess within you. Allow your inner self to shine for you and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Live It Now
Fall in love with your future, so it feels inevitable and real. Let go of attachment and accept it’s part of your journey back home. Practice mindfulness, so you may stay in the present moment, and perpetuate the good while leaving the past behind. Embrace your vision, so that the future feels as though you’re living it now. Danny G.
Allowing Your Wisdom and Success
Stop giving away your power to others. Whenever you affirm unhappiness, discontentment and resentment because of others, you’re making yourself the victim. Power and self awareness comes from within. When you declare your power, your strength and resilience is renewed. You’re not conformed by others’ misconceptions, and you allow your wisdom and success to manifest into being.
Catapult to Success
Write your affirmations in your conscious mind and eventually they will enter your subconscious mind. The pen is in your hands to create deliberately with faith and persistence. When they enter your subconscious, they become you, the essence of your being. They arise whenever you need them and catapult you to success. Danny G.