The Oneness We Are

Any egotistical act doesn’t fulfill your heart and soul. Even when you do achieve success through the ego, you’ll always feel a void within the depth of your being. A void that wants to achieve more through the ego. A void that is not fulfilling for the mind and soul. A void that is non essential to fulfilling your desires. When you have a desire, act from the divinity you are. Act from the source of unity and peace that you are. When you do achieve success through this ultimate power, that void will dissipate and you’ll act out of the oneness we truly are. Danny G. 

The Mission Of Growth

Life is about growth and expansion. It’s about personal growth, your relationship with your loved ones, and the passion that stirs within you. Learn to embrace growth and you will walk harmoniously in the game of life. Then you’ll be able to help others through the knowledge and wisdom you gained within. Danny G. 

The Joy of the Journey

If I want you out of desperation, I cannot have you nor lift you up. If I fall on every occasion, I cannot have you nor lift you up. For the act of desperation is a thought of lack and absence. Love allows everything in its ideal timing for the joy of the ride and the joy of the journey. Danny G. 

Powerful or Powerless

Do you want someone to tell you that you are a powerful creator, or that you’re powerless?Being a powerful creator is acknowledging and accepting we control and guide our life with our choices, persistence and faith. Saying you are powerless is stating the conditions of your life are dictating your life story. Know the deliberate creator you are, and know you always write the script. Danny G. 

From Fear to Peace

At times the battle starts off as a fear that keeps you striving for greater. It may be a moment in time, where the fear invaded your mind, and it stayed in your heart and soul. The fear didn’t dissipate, it only caused you to search more and more. As the fear continues to invade your mind, your peace remains outside your reach. Don’t fight it, know it was all part of your journey and growth. One day you realize the fear is no longer needed, but your mind holds onto it to drive you to success. But one day you realize this attachment is no longer necessary as you allow peace to lead the way. You realize your best source of drive and ambition is through peace where all solutions lies. Your peace leads to clarity, answers and renewed strength. Your peace becomes your new intention and motive, for every master learned this through stillness and contemplation. All you have to do is seek inward, be still and listen, for the next step will appear with faith and love in your heart. Danny G. 

Opportunities Instead Of Barriers

If you look merely at your current reality, you risk creating the same reality again and again. Deliberate creators look at the present and see opportunities where others would see barriers. They see potential where others would see infirmities. They see faith and persistence as a means to unleash their breakthrough and success. Danny G. 

Great Men Of Faith

Inspiration and wisdom originates from the divine. When you feel these insights calling for action, take the leap and declare your faith. You can walk in circles for a lifetime and play it safe in fear of failure. But great men of faith who achieved greatness took their risks and turned them into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

Dared to Trust and Believe

Even though your life may seem troublesome and bleak,  and you feel incomplete or overwhelmed, I can assure you if you persist with faith and love in your heart, your destination is bound to manifest. For every great master and every great pioneer was standing exactly where you are today, and they dared to trust and believe. Danny G. 

Let go and Embrace the New

Stillness, tranquility and inner peace is what allows you to access your wisdom. When your mind is bombarded with everything but the present moment, you cannot access your inner guidance. A chaotic mind creates a turbulent life. Let go of the past, embrace the new, be the deliberate creator you’re born to be, and bound to thrive. Danny G. 

Entertain the Right Thoughts

Don’t feed the anger. Don’t feed the pessimism. And don’t feed the bitterness. Feed those emotions that cause enlightenment, wisdom and inspiration. Feed those emotions that cause compassion and acceptance. Feed the feelings of abundance and prosperity. Learn to entertain the right thoughts, and let go of the rest. Danny G.