Be Your Motivation

Motivation is a choice. You can choose lack, scarcity, pessimism, or you can create your own motivation and inspiration. Motivation increases productivity, health and happiness, while lack of it causes boredom and complacency. You are the master of the ship guiding your vessel with motivation and a fierce determination to follow through. Don’t allow life or the adversity to choose for you, be your own source of motivation and inspiration and act on it. Danny G. 

Allow Faith

Faith and pessimism are a perception of reality. Perception can change by seeking wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. Pessimism is the opposite of faith where one predicts the worst outcome, or the worst case scenario. Reality is defined by perception and perception changes reality. Choose faith over pessimism and allow faith to lead the way. Danny G. 

Alignment Over Ego

You can seek alignment with your source and creator, or you can choose to follow the ego. Your choice has benefits and consequences, but if you choose God, the ultimate provider, you choose faith and wisdom. With faith, wisdom and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.