Miracles often take action steps. It takes faith, perseverance and wisdom. It takes determination to not give in. Enough faith in the right direction, enough action steps to your dream, and miracles become your own creation, and not by chance. Leaps of faith are difficult, but when you need that leap of faith, seek your higher self, have unwavering faith, persist and claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
The Miracle Creators
We are the creators of our miracles through the divine. It’s not merely an outside force creating the miracles for us. It’s the power of our mind, body and spirit to create miracles. We create miracles through faith, wisdom and persistence. Enough positive energy projected into a desire, the desire manifests. This power is always within our control, and it remains inward where source, the ultimate intelligence remains at our finger tips. Danny G.