The Power Of Your Inner Dialogue

Think about speaking an affirmation, whether out loud or in your mind. When you focus on a new thought, many other thoughts join in. With enough thoughts, you receive inspirational steps to manifest it. You begin to speak about it more and more and eventually, inspired action follows through. If you don’t give up, the ideal course of action has to manifest because persistence and faith doesn’t stop until it’s complete. The manifestation occurs because there’s always a means of manifestation when God gave you the inspiration for it to begin with. He birthed it within you for a reason. Danny G. 

The Desires in Your Heart

God created you as you are with a mission and a journey to enjoy. He’s a creator of love and compassion. Replace sin with mistake, and replace failure with one step closer to your dream. Listen to the spirit within, as he is always willing to assist with open arms. He has your best interest at heart. He loves you unconditionally. No need to fear, or put yourself on a pedestal, because why would a loving father give you only one chance? Stand with confidence and faith knowing the God is on your side and he is conspiring on your behalf. Your journey is no surprise for him, nor are your falls and detours. Trust in your higher self and he will give you the desires of your heart. Danny G.

Step Forward

Ask yourself one question to begin with. What’s one baby step I can do right now to achieve my goal or dream? Then commit to it. Don’t just contemplate without a means to an end. Follow through with inspired action. When inspiration calls you forth, step forward knowing you’re one step closer to your dream. Danny G.  

Fast Forward on Purpose

If you can fast forward 20 years in your future, what would you look like? What would you talk about? What would be your perception of happiness, peace and success? Whatever you add today adds to your tomorrows. Be the change you want to be in 20 years from now. Danny G. 

Delaying it is not the Answer

Don’t become dependent on the exterior to make you happy. What happens if it takes you 10 years to finally achieve your desire? Will you delay joy for 10 years? Do we have control over the timing of all events, or do we have control over the way we respond? Seek first inner joy and be at peace with the timing, and then probably sooner than later, the manifestation will arrive. Danny G. 

Release the Ego Lenses

Would a compassionate father not want us to be financially prosperous and abundant? It’s not money that’s negative. Our perception of money and how we put it on a pedestal is negative. If money leads to greed, it’s negative. If money becomes our God, it’s negative. If money changes who we are, it’s negative. Your intentions and motives means everything. Change your intentions and release the ego lenses. Replace it with a prosperity outlook. Replace it with an abundance outlook, and you change the negative into a positive. Danny G. 

Our Power to Create

Our future is in our control and power to create. Infirmities and limitations are not meant to determine your life story. Don’t allow other’s opinions to rule over you. Be the minority who beats the odds. Be the one who breaks the boundaries. Everyone has a different perception and it’s up to you to create your own perception. Create a perception of faith and optimism. Be strong enough to say, I don’t allow others and limitations to define me. I can focus on the infinite, limitless energy and source of God. Change your outlook about your limitations and you change your life. Infinite means possibilities. Limitation is a perception, and perception can change by discovering your full potential. Danny G. 

Your Created Mission

You’re the author of your story. Source is always guiding you on the ideal pathway for your life. It always has your best interest at heart. The pen is in your hands to be the artist you always were and always will be. Danny G. 

Your Best Life

Don’t seek to merely survive, seek to thrive and be the grandest version of you. Do so with passion, compassion and a faith that cannot die. For out of the greatest emotions, lies the greatest art, and greatest life. Danny G. 

You Define You

The world may try to paint a different picture of you or your future. Persuasion may grab a hold on you leaving you inactive and complacent. Don’t allow the exterior world to define you. You define you and what follows next. Danny G.