In the middle of a long dreary night, the moon illuminates our path, and when the sunrise lights up, it serves as guidance to our destination. Just as the moon and the sun guides us, so does enlightenment and inspiration lead us to conquer and thrive. Danny G.
Today’s Ultimate Enlightenment
Within your evolution and the evolution of humanity lies truths and misconceptions. You decide what are truths and what are misconceptions. You are the leader of your mind and behavior. Don’t allow others to tell you this is the one and only path. Don’t allow yesterday to be your complete truth of today, since that defies growth and evolution. We are constantly evolving, and saying yesterday is the ultimate path is denying todays ultimate enlightenment. Danny G.
A Change Of Perspective
All that’s needed is a change of perspective, to know that our prayers are answered, with an effort to stop thinking others are more fortunate than us, or they are more worthy and deserving than us. Danny G.
The Season Always Changes
Don’t underestimate yourself and your source. No matter what the misfortune was, or the burden you’ve been carrying with you, the season always changes. The sun always shines again. This is your indication that everything is impermanent, and a beautiful day follows the long dreary night. Danny G.
The Right Motives
Reality is always changing and evolving. Don’t base your life on past situations, events and circumstances. Don’t base it on environments that only last a season. Create your new reality based on faith, optimism and compassion. That is the process of changing your life inside out. Danny G.
The Only Wrong Path
Would a loving God only give you obligations? Would he not allow you to question further and choose what resonates with you? Out of your mere genuineness and yearning for truth, is it an offense to experiment and explore? We create our own rules and obligations through our misconceptions and preconceptions. The only wrong path is not following your uniqueness and authenticity. Danny G.
The Dream We Call Life
We are the masterpiece of our lives, and we are creators in the expansion of the universe. Our misconceptions and limitations leave us thinking we are not worthy or deserving. We’re underestimating ourselves. Whatever man has not accomplished yet, it’s just a matter of time before he does, because anything is possible, and anything is within our reach in this dream we call life. Danny G.