Inner Peace Despite Stress

Make peace with stress. Don’t fear it, don’t dread it and don’t perpetuate it. Fighting stress causes more stress. Resisting stress causes more stress. Accept it, and move beyond it. Not resisting it doesn’t mean you allow more of it in. It means you don’t aggravate it, and allow it to become greater than it is. Danny G. 

Much Greater

Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning your behavior. It means loving yourself enough to see despite the imperfections. Speak to your imperfections, and say I no longer fight you nor offer you resistance. I allow you to teach me what I need to learn. I embrace you’re only here for my spiritual journey and personal growth, and what’s on the other side is much greater than you’ll ever be. Danny G. 

Figments Of Imagination

You create these figments of imagination out of fear and misconceptions. Over the years, you allowed what’s been passed down to create your reality, and you were told not to question it. So you remained stagnant out of fear. Evolution means freedom, exploration and questioning. For without questioning you’re operating out of a system. You’re operating out of the past. And you’re acting under the influence of another rather than recognizing your power, potential and authenticity. Danny G.