Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and ideologies. There’s nothing wrong with teaching, but pushing them on your path only creates resistance. You can only influence others, and if their free will chooses otherwise, let them be. How do you know what that soul needs? You know what your soul needs, therefore, you will attract those souls in alignment with you. Everyone who needs you or your inspiration will find you. So, inspire, uplift and enlighten, but allow everyone to have their own journey. Danny G.
Thought for Today
We will all cross over at one point in time. When you do, I hope you’ll be able to have no regrets, that you have lived fully, and that you have fulfilled your greatest dreams and goals. When at the end of your life, you will not think I should have saved more, or I should have worked more, or I should have attended one more work meeting. You will say, I made my contribution to humanity. I made a difference in people’s lives. I lived a happy and peaceful life. I was compassionate and kind. I followed my passion and bliss. Those are the statements you should be making now, so that when you do make your transition, you will say, it’s my time, and I shall go peacefully. Danny G.
Thought for Today
The mediocre mindset says I’ve been through enough, maybe it’s time to call it quits. The abundance mindset says I’ve been through a lot, and that proves I can overcome this. The mediocre mindset says if I can only succeed. The abundance mindset says I seek and manifest success. The mediocre mindset says if I can only have this. The abundance mindset says, if I can have this, I have the formula for more. The mediocrity mindset says lack is enough, because it’s where I’ve always been. The victory mindset says faith is my strength and solution, and I persist until its manifestation. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is about sharing what we have. It’s shouldn’t be only about ourselves, but for the evolution of humanity. Danny G.
Thought for Today
At times genius lies in the ones you least expect. How many times has the so called illiterate broke boundaries, overcame great challenges and thrived? Through the adversities and challenges, the mind can be reshaped on a positive note or on a negative note. You choose how to reshape it. We are always changing and evolving. The body and mind you are now is not the same as 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. You change for your greater good by following your passion, engaging in rituals and educating yourself in a productive and positive way. Self medicating, being negative all the time and complaining only depletes your mental health. Stress takes a toll on your health, just as happiness and inner peace brings healing. Whatever you do for your well being contributes to greater self awareness and joy. Utilize your mental faculties the right way by growing in wisdom and intelligence. This is key to breaking your limitations and thriving. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Abundance is not something attained only by location, our environment or our inheritance. It’s inherited through seeking inward, contributing by giving back and being a positive example to all those lives we touch. Danny G.
Thought for Today
There’s no such thing as a straight line in life. There are ups and there are downs, and there are moments that seem to cease in time. Accept it, don’t fight it or you’ll resist life. Embrace the imperfections of life with all its adversities and challenges. When you know how to handle the obstacles, you know how to handle life. That is the true meaning of thriving. Danny G.
Quote for Today
I’m here to learn, remember and create from the authentic, divine and compassionate being I am. Danny G.
Thought for Today
The best means of motivation is to create your own motivation. Do whatever you need to motivate yourself, inspire yourself and stir the passion within you. Boredom and complacency can grab a hold on you if you let it. Listen to upbeat music, read inspirational literature, look at the creativity around you with depth and meaning. Motivation, inspiration and passion is what creates productivity and value for yourself and others. By being creative, you are changing lives. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Building community is about sharing our insights and receiving insights in return to add to our evolution as a unity of interconnected beings. Danny G.