Thought for Today

Some people don’t want to be fixed. Some are too stuck in their old ways, while others simply don’t want the help. Accept that, and know that this is an imperfect world with imperfect people. If you let it, that burden can become yours. Acceptance is sometimes the greatest gift. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Be careful with the word “all,” for this is rarely the case. When you’re not for politics, does it mean they’re all corrupt? When you don’t believe in religion, does it mean, there are never any truths to its teachings? When you believe philosophy is useless, does it mean nobody receives benefit from it? We profile one as if they’re all the same. My advice to you is let everyone walk their own path. Allow them to have their journey and evolution. Advice is fine, but coercion is not from God. Be uniquely you and allow them to be uniquely themselves. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Creativity and inspiration is endless. The universal intelligence is limitless. There is no completion, only limitations in the mind. When you feel against a wall, know that once you’re on the other side, a new dream emerges from the new you. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Trusting in the universe means knowing that the universal spirit is for you and not against you. It’s knowing that this spirit has your best interests at heart. It created you with uniqueness and authenticity meant to be a light onto others. Danny G. 

Thought for Today

Taking responsibility for your life means that you learn from your mistakes, you grow and move on. Don’t condone your weaknesses and flaws. The way to rise above your inadequacies is to be honest with yourself. Without honesty, there is no self awareness with your misbehavior. Be honest with a gentle spirit knowing that imperfection is our reality. However, look at yourself without lies, and know that with every challenge comes personal growth. Danny G.