From Fear to Peace

At times the battle starts off as a fear that keeps you striving for greater. It may be a moment in time, where the fear invaded your mind, and it stayed in your heart and soul. The fear didn’t dissipate, it only caused you to search more and more. As the fear continues to invade your mind, your peace remains outside your reach. Don’t fight it, know it was all part of your journey and growth. One day you realize the fear is no longer needed, but your mind holds onto it to drive you to success. But one day you realize this attachment is no longer necessary as you allow peace to lead the way. You realize your best source of drive and ambition is through peace where all solutions lies. Your peace leads to clarity, answers and renewed strength. Your peace becomes your new intention and motive, for every master learned this through stillness and contemplation. All you have to do is seek inward, be still and listen, for the next step will appear with faith and love in your heart. Danny G.