Thought for Today

Your words and behavior towards others are powerful. Accumulation of negative words, lies and judgment has a way to break some people over time. For you don’t know where they’ve been and where they’re at in their life. That harsh statement can cause a trigger, and persistent triggers over time has a way to change that person. Think about a compassionate environment and its many benefits, and think about an environment of mental abuse. When people know they are loved, they bring that love to others and humanity and that’s what creates healing in the world. When people know that they are worthy, they bring that into the world. When they know they deserve love, it’s healing to the mind and soul, for worthiness changes a person’s outlook and it attracts the same from others. Don’t be ruled by your ego or preconceived notions, change lives for the better, for jealousy never wins in the eyes of God. Danny G. 

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