You find freedom by embracing your own power. You find freedom by choosing faith over fear. You find freedom by quieting the mind despite the chaos or havoc. All this together creates miracles on your behalf. With persistence and faith, anything is possible. Danny G.
God’s Intentions
God’s intentions for you is happiness. You can trust that the divine always leads to happiness. Just like a loving father wants the best for his children, so does God want the best for you and humanity. Danny G.
Creating Your Beliefs and Expectations
Release limitations and embrace the new. Create your own expectations and beliefs. Listen within to your inner guidance that never fails to guide you to your ultimate best. This guidance and wisdom will open doors for you that you thought never existed, and cause you to triumph. Danny G.
Be Your Own Hero
Don’t condemn the chaos or havoc. See what your purpose is in the midst of it. You chose to be here, so be your own hero in the midst of imperfection. Seek within for your calling, and allow God to work with you and through you, for his and your ultimate will and purpose. Danny G.
Choosing Peace
Inner peace is a choice. It’s choosing quietness over the chaos. It’s choosing stillness when overwhelmed. It’s choosing tranquility in a fast paced world. It takes practice and discipline, but when it’s achieved, you can be at peace under any and all conditions. Danny G.
Acts Of Faith
Never supplicate with God, for supplication is an act of lack, not of faith. When you supplicate you deny your faith, for whatever you ask in faith, you know you shall receive it, if it’s God’s will. Know God’s will always has your highest interest at heart. Know God’s will for you is happiness, peace and success. Affirm it, declare it, and know it’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
A Productive Mind
Don’t remain in a state of pessimism and bitterness. Turn it into a productive thought, and see what good may be created from it. Turn the pessimism into fuel for productivity and optimism. And turn the bitterness into fuel for love and compassion. Together, optimism, love and taking action steps, will yield your every desire. Danny G.
New Experiences and Success
Don’t be afraid of taking risks, for you can walk in circles for a lifetime never getting anywhere, remaining stagnant and complacent. Take action when it calls you forth, and know that new action and behavior, leads to new experiences and success. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Good people and loved ones are like medicine. Surround yourself with optimism, faith and compassion, and it’s healing to the body, mind and spirit. Danny G.
When you feel like giving in, remember your dream and destination. For whatever great achievement and success, came from persistence and faith. Every time life challenged you, it reminded you of your dream and purpose. You then conquered it through faith and persistence. Danny G.