The Art Of Transformation

Work with your adversities, not against them. Allow the challenges to be your friend, and seek to understand their depth and reason for being. Don’t allow them to become your enemy. Relax in the process of change and healing. This is the art of transformation and creating anew. Danny G. 

Motivation With Compassion

Are you motivated by love and compassion, or are you motivated by fear and anger? When you’re motivated by fear and anger, you’re of no value to yourself or others. Be motivated by love and compassion, and allow God to lead the path. It won’t fail, and you’ll see the world through different colored lenses. Danny G. 

Stillness Wherever You Go

There is noise wherever you go if you allow the noise to consume you. There is stillness wherever you go if you allow this peace to just be. You can find peace by seeking inward, and focusing on the divine being you are. When you find peace in the midst of chaos and havoc, you master life and the inevitable joyous experiences bound to be. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Reality

When you’re confident, worthy and full of faith, others only reinstate what you project. If you truly believed in yourself, others’ disbelief would not matter. If you are insecure, everything that people say or do reminds you of your insecurities. The secret to changing your outer world is to change your inner world. Have faith, know you are worthy and believe in the God or Goddess you are. When you master this, you master your reality. Danny G. 

Creation With the Divine

Your purpose is self created, a creation with the divine to unleash the greater you. What gives you passion and a love for life? What makes you fulfilled and full of life? Move forward with the divinity you are, and allow him to work in you for your evolution and the growth of humanity. Danny G. 

Seeking Inward Wisdom and Faith

Don’t wait for an crisis to create change in your life and grow. For when you are in crisis, you experience panic and confusion. Seek inward, seek wisdom and declare your faith. And when the crisis happens, you’ll be aware of your control and power through the bright soul you are. Danny G. 

Be Still and Listen

Wisdom stems from stillness, tranquility and peace. When we seek inward, we find that source of stillness and peace where wisdom lies. We can always find this peace and wisdom despite the chaos or havoc around us. The noise doesn’t have to weigh us down, as we can always be still and listen within. Danny G. 

God Intervenes

When you run your course whole heartedly, know God is conspiring on your behalf and aligning things in your favor. When you practice humility, compassion and wisdom, God intervenes. Allow this source to unleash its magic for you and humanity. Danny G. 

Allow It and Let It Be

Being creative is in our nature. It’s what we came forth to be for our own journey and all those lives we touch. Suppressing it suppresses our calling, enthusiasm and zest for life. Suppressing it buries our passion, dreams and fulfillment. Stop burying it and take the initiative. Know this initiative and desire stems from the source within you. Allow it and let it be. Danny G. 

Law Of Thinking

Devote yourself to the law of thinking, for whatever you master in your mind, you master in your life and future. Whatever is perceived first in the mind, goes out into the world and creates success destined to be. Danny G.