Your present is a record of the past, and your subconscious is a record of the past. The more you relive it, and act on it, the more you perpetuate it. Therefore, relive what is good and worthy of you, and let go of any negative attachment. Danny G.
Practice the mental work so much that the action feels inevitable, as it keeps on calling you and calling you to a greater life and future. Let the mental work inspire you to action, and be the best you, as you embark on unknown territory and claim it yours. Danny G.
You conditioned yourself with negative emotions and negative attachments, and you relive them again and again. The more you act on them, they become your very existence. Therefore, recondition your mind with faith, wisdom, love and all the good in the world. Embrace it, relive it, and let it become your new existence. Danny G.
We’re on this physical plane for our personal growth and evolution. Even though we still fall from time to time, prevailing determines our success, not failure. Our success is not determined by the number of times we fall, but by the number of times we overcome, conquer and triumphed. Danny G.
Faith Wisdom and Compassion
Stop the inner dialogue of fear, pessimism and bitterness, and replace it with faith, wisdom and compassion. If you want to hear God, seek that place of stillness, where all is well. Seek his spirit of peace which is essentially what God is. He will guide you to a safe haven and he will lead you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Contrast Creates Desires
Out of contrast, dreams unleash for your journey and success. Out of contrast, you know more clearly what you want. Out of contrast, humanity is created in the world of opposites and soul mates. Don’t fight against it, embrace it, and define your mission in the midst of beauty and imperfection. Danny G.
Authentic and Genuine
Don’t allow conformity to make its home indefinitely in your heart. You’re destined to be authentic and genuine, not bound by others’ perceptions of self. You’re bound to know yourself better, and to discover your full potential. Never allow others to shape your mission and life. Danny G.
Quote for Today
The deliberate creator changes what is negative into positive. He changes pessimism into optimism. He changes bitterness into love and compassion. And he changes fear into faith. Danny G.
Spiritual Awakening
Be awake in the world, do not sleep walk your entire life never contemplating your soul’s yearning and desires. Be at peace with the world, despite its chaos or treachery while fully embracing its beauty and perfection nevertheless. There is perfection in the imperfection, if you look deep beyond the shallow lenses. Be still and full of faith and allow every moment to be a spiritual awakening. Danny G.
Defining Yourself
The moment you let others define who you are, is the moment you lose your intuition and wisdom. For you cannot define yourself from another’s perspective. Don’t allow others to conform you. Speak to yourself, and allow your authenticity and uniqueness to shine through. Danny G.