Beneath the Frail Eyes

Most people won’t ask the question beneath those frail eyes. They’ll look and form their opinion with their lies. Everyone has a reason for the image they portray. Some people simply look at the surface, and disregard. A true healer says there’s much more beneath those frail eyes, and I choose to see what’s hidden on the inside. Danny G.

Embracing the New

At one time, it seemed like a perfect fit, you and I, for a lifetime. But people and circumstances change and progress, an unseemly but perfect life process. I now release the past so I can open my heart to what lies. Because if I stay stuck on the past, I don’t embrace the new in my newfound life. Danny G.

Our Role in Divine Intervention

The process of recovery is a firm belief in wellness. You must focus on it until it becomes your very existence. Focus on it, speak about it, and act on it, and then allow the universe to do the rest. Thought, word and action is your only power, and the rest must be left to the creator to work his magic. Danny G.

Acting With Love

Are you acting out of anger, or love? Anger never brings inner peace and happiness, but love is the best gateway to your personal freedom and joy. It’s also contagious, and it illuminates the path for all the lives you touch, for you cannot help but lead by the clarity of your example. Therefore, ask yourself every time your emotions are slipping, am I acting out of anger or love? Danny G.

Declare To Be

Don’t get down on yourself because it didn’t work out, for some day you’ll be glad it didn’t, for it had to end for the new partner to arrive. Something already broken was never meant to be, so let go, and embrace the new chapter and journey, you declare to be. Danny G.

Persist and Believe

Don’t think for a moment, it cannot happen because of your past failures. Some of the greatest minds and teachers on this planet had many failures before their breakthrough. What made them thrive and accomplish great things was their unwillingness to give in. They truly believed in their heart they would triumph. The power is in your hands, if you simply persist and believe. Danny G.

A Bouquet of Roses

Blazing hazel eyes, though mysterious and penetrating while a world speaks through them with a candid look. Afraid and uneasy, though shine so brightly beneath the mischievous look. Awkward and charismatic all wrapped up in a bouquet of roses. There’s a story inside those eyes, ready and eagerly waiting to be heard. Danny G.

Watch It Bloom

The right one will not find pleasure in your pain, for if she does, she’s not the right one, and she never was. The right one will see your pain, and the whole of who you are, then plant a flower, and watch it bloom. Danny G.

Passion is Our Calling

That passion you have, that you always had, and that is now the focus of your life, is God’s calling for your life. It’s your gifting for the world, but it’s also your gifting for your own evolution and journey. Accept it, embrace it, and allow it to unfold as it should, and know the universal force is always guiding you every step of the way to your victory. Danny G.

Forgiveness and Persistence

When someone hurts you, don’t be the referee, turn it over to God, and let him fight your battles for you. Allow karma to run its course, for it never fails and the good one always wins. Just don’t give in to bitterness, for the wise one knows the victory is through forgiveness, and persistence. Danny G.