Treading the Path

Don’t make anyone your God, as we’re all imperfect beings with flaws, weaknesses, and trials. Accept everyone has a story and a reason for being, as we’re all humans trying find our way. Never put anyone on a pedestal for one day they’ll disappoint you, as we’re all humans treading the path of imperfections. Danny G. 

Becoming One With the Divine

You come from the divine, a source of love and joy. You come from an infinite energy that creates beings and worlds. When you’re in alignment, this energy flows. And you and the divine become one, the essential calling of your soul. Danny G.

Do What Resonates With You

Don’t let money or recognition be your primary objective. Do what resonates with your soul and let the universe handle the rest. When you do what resonates with your soul, the universe conspires on your behalf for its glory. Danny G.

Engraved in the Soul

It’s God’s desire for you to have inner peace that surpasses all understanding. When you’re at peace, you’re happy, healthy and truly fulfilled. When you’re at peace, you know the universe is as it should be, and orchestrated in your divine favor. You know there’s a sequence for everything, and a timing for everything. You know seasons come and go, and obstacles enter without a warning in sight, but your peace remains, as you steadily engrave it in your soul. Danny G.

Destined to Rise

We cannot perform perfectly every moment of everyday. Don’t beat yourself up for where you are today, as you are molding yourself anew every day. You are a product of your creation, the good, the bad, and the uniqueness that makes up the whole of who you are. There’s not one person on this planet that doesn’t fall. What makes us great, is we get up and create a masterpiece on a white canvas destined to rise. Danny G.

Let It Be

Why do we fear when we are Gods and Goddesses in human form? We have the power that creates worlds inside us allowing us to breathe and conquer. This same power enables us to thrive, and when we’re in alignment, triumph is inevitable if we simply let it be. Danny G. 

The Only Factor

We all have dreams and aspirations we hold on to. Sometimes life doesn’t turn out as planned. The only factor that can change your life is your reaction to life’s obstacles. When you accept your reaction changes everything, you know the obstacle cannot control you. You know you’re in control, and you claim your victory, and own the rest. Danny G.

There’s Always Plan B

Perhaps plan A is not logical and possible. Maybe the plan you were counting on turned its back on you. Maybe you thought it was it, however, it only disappointed you in the end. If you could see from the other dimension what lies ahead, you would know with complete awareness, it’s not a dead end. You would know everything is from within, and you have the power and wherewithal to complete the next plan. Maybe plan A didn’t work out, but plan B is standing next to you, waiting for you to unleash the inner you. Danny G.

Untapped Potential

Everything that happens in our life and the world is ultimately for the evolution of our soul and humanity. Life teaches through experience if we simply listen. Life teaches with intuition, wisdom and an attentive ear. Everyone is unique, and everyone has their share to create a brighter humanity. If you didn’t have your share, God wouldn’t have created you and birthed you in this physical plane. He created you because he knew you had untapped potential, gifts, and talents and he wanted you to discover them for your own evolution, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.

Her Revealing Eyes

He looked into her eyes, while anguish was staring back at him as she mourned in disarray, from the chaotic world of today. He then told himself, why has the world assumed that conflict and war is a solution, when so much are afflicted from the beginning? The answer was very simple to him, as he was observing her beautiful grieving face. Danny G.