Seeing Past the Misty Fog (Poem)

As I pull through in the misty fog,

Everywhere is blurry 

But the forefront. 

I put my backpack on my back,

I open it, 

Let the trash drop. 

One by one 

The trash drops, 

As I steadily gaze at the forefront,

Fully immersed on this present moment, 

To bring me all I love and need, 

Fully immersed on this present moment, 

To unfold my path and destiny.

Devotion in the Wrong Place

Some gain the world, but they lose themselves in the process. For what good is it to gain the world, but not acknowledge his true self? And what good is it to live a life of luxury, and wear the most expensive garments, but not know anything about his true identity? Danny G.

I want to take this opportunity to inform my readers that my paperback book and e-book “23 Poetic Cues” is available for purchase on the homepage of my website. Have a great day!

Needy for Love (Poem)

Stacey was a kind-hearted soul,

Wanting to make her mark in the world.

Happy and seemingly carefree,

Perky and everyone adored her.

Though she was upbeat at first, 

She craved attention 

And affection,

So much that it became her only obsession. 

Her dad was a drunk,

Would get home from work, 

Drink all night long.

Though she loved her dad, 

As he was fighting his demons inside,

She knew there was much more to his disguise. 

The more she craved his attention, 

She felt empty inside.

She had this obsession, 

For a man to love her 

And guide her path.

She became needy for love,

Outside love became her only obsession 

And joy.

She could not stop this obsession, 

Until one day, she looked in the mirror

With a dismayed expression on her face,

And told herself, 

Love is from within,

And knew, her life was forever changed.

Laughter the Best Medicine

Sometimes, the best medicine is laughter and a smile when we feel beaten down by life. A simple life pleasure brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. If we simply find peace, among the plot, happiness and joy will surely come. For when we are uneasy, we’re simply floating against the current. Finding pleasure in simple modern-day living, is enough to shift the current in your favor, and ultimately, your divine destiny and will. Danny G.

Future Changes With Perspective (Poem)

I look at you, from a distance saying,

How will you unfold from this distant smile?

Will you live in the moment, as the Buddhists do? 

Will you embrace the moment, 

Be you, and chase your dreams? 

Will you press pause, 

Stand still, despite the pain? 

The moment I choose, 

The future changes,

And the moment I choose, 

From a state 

Of grace, 

The future changes. 

The moment I choose, 

From this space 

Of enlightenment,

The future changes.

Press pause, stand still,

And just be.

From this state of grace,

Everything changes,

From this space of enlightenment, 

Everything changes,

For me, you,

And the ultimate expansion 

Of humanity.

Is the World Getting Worse or Better?

We hear about the pessimists who say the world is getting worse, our lives are deteriorating, and there’s much more cruelty in the world. Look at these facts and decide for yourself if you want to be the pessimist or the optimist.

There has been a significant decrease in global war and deaths from 1945 to 2011. From 1945 to 2011 the global death rate has declined from 22 per 100,000 to 0.3 per 100,000. There has been a tremendous decrease in poverty over the past couple centuries. In 1820, there was 1 billion people who lived in extreme poverty. As of 2015, there was 705 million people who lived in extreme poverty. Consider the fact that the population has increased by approximately 6 billion people since 1820, and the number of poverty cases still decreased. Since 1900, the global life expectancy has more than doubled. Our medicines have improved substantially and our overall medical system has upgraded significantly.

Overall, is the world getting worse or better? Do you want to be the pessimist who sees the worse in everything? Or do you want to be the optimist who says, the universe is always progressing and expanding for the ultimate well-being of humanity. The crucial factor is how we perceive it. Danny G.

Reaching Out

When you acknowledge a person and you’re there for him when he hits rock bottom, that’s being genuine and compassionate. It’s easy to acknowledge and recognize a public figure or highly regarded individual. The people who need compassion and acceptance the most are the ones at their lowest point. Danny G. 

I Forgive You Because (Poem)

I forgive you because, 

Holding on to hurts of the past 

Is being shackled to the ground

With no escape 

But the sound of your voice belittling,

With your sarcastic remarks.

I forgive you because,

If I don’t,

I will sleep walk my whole life,

Never getting anywhere 

But listening to your voice

Condescending and obstructive. 

I forgive you because, 

The one who holds on, 

Never embraces the world 

For all its beauty but imperfections

To discover ourselves anew.

I forgive you because,

It’s the only way to correlate, 

And accept the world 

Despite its imperfections  

And treachery.

I forgive you because,

It’s for my own good,

And I forgive you, 

To move on, 

From the sabotaging pain,

Of holding on.

Cutting Out Distractions

When you cut out all distractions, and you focus on you and God, you’re able to understand your depth and your reason for being. You’re able to access the wisdom you’ve been yearning for, and the answers to your questions. All power, wisdom, and answers, lies within. Danny G.  

Searching From the Core (Poem)

We’re always searching for more,   

Through the highs or lows,

We have a burning desire, 

To feel more 

Inside our soul.

Life is a series 

Of seasons, 

To discover ourselves anew,

In a process of love, opposites and desire.

We all seek expansion,

To escape the boredom and latent,

In the upbeat, chaotic world of our nation.

Some sleep walk, 

Others persistently march, 

Towards their destiny,

And follow the mark.

Others follow the pact, 

And end up with back packs 

Loaded with scrap.

As we contemplate 

It’s all a choice,

Which inevitably,

Leads us back home.

If we simply listen,

Past the distractions 

Of the chaotic disarray, 

We hear the voice within, 

Calling us to greatness.