Patience Where Wisdom lies (Poem)


As it remains and escapes,

Through the process of trial and error,

Where wisdom lies.

An underestimating emotion,

We cannot stand.

Though uneasy at first,

Inner peace lies.


Being steadfast and firm,

Though contradictions spies,

In a world of its own,

Of wisdom and lies.


Though uneasy and flat,

Indecisive and black,

Contemplating time and elation,

Like a fiery trial.


Though treacherous at first,

If we simply pull through,

Wisdom lies.

An Angel Ignited my Path (Poem)

When the rock struck me sideways,

Lying face down,

Confused and afraid,

Couldn’t see the daylight.

Dazzled as to where to leap,

Or where to turn,

In my confused altered mind.

But you stood amongst it,

Never blamed,

Nor question,

My reason for being.

Falls, turns and detours

I sympathize the whys,

The reasons for my trial.

Drifting through the motions,

On autopilot senseless,

In utter despair. 

You stood amongst it,

And saw potential, 

When all I saw was judgment,

In my own eyes.

The future was pale,

My intentions scattered,

Through the wall,

With Uncertainties and doubts,

Filling my mind.

As I try to escape my thoughts,


Of what path may be.

You never relinquished, 

Or ceased to be,

Your very best to me.

Though the time has passed,

And those days didn’t last,

The push served me greatly, 

The rest was history, 

Of my own making.

And I’ll never forget, 

When I’m old and wrinkly, 

An angel from God,

Ignited my path, 

And never ceased to be,

Her very best to me.

Way Back Home (Poem)

We start on the journey,

Fired up with faith,

Telling ourselves all types of things,

To stay in the game.

Declaring out loud,

We’ll never turn back,

We’re victors and not quitters,

Among the pact.

Then adversities come,

Knocking at the door,

Demanding to give in,

And forget what we know.

Everything can be a mystery,

And a puzzle,

In a deep world,

Of right or wrong.

We grapple with peace,

In a world of love and hate,

Our perspective is damaged,

As we march along in rage.

Let’s lose the self sabotaging lens,

Receive the divine,

And remember our core.

It’s a journey,

Of trial and error,

As we follow our soul.

Intuition and choices,

Delays and detours,

All leading back

To God.

As we contemplate and reflect,

We conclude,

There’s no right or wrong,

Simply experiences, remembering,

And intuition,

To guide us back home.

Praising Falun Gong (Sonnet)

Let’s sing a song of praise for Falun Gong,

In China, on the other side of the globe.

A practice of truthfulness and compassion,

A group who seeks peace and forbearance. 

They are tortured, brainwashed and killed, 

In a nation constantly under attack.

CCP coerces them to give in,

And subject them to acts of cruelty.

Though true to their beliefs, 

They’ll even risk death and torture,

To proclaim freedom and peace.

How has the world become so corrupt?

Will it take another few million dead?

Or will we stop it before the next?

The Falun Gong Mission (Sonnet)

As I lie awake in bed beneath my sheets,

In the comfort and safety of my home.

I cannot believe this insanity just next door,

For Falun Gong, the other side of the globe.

Practitioners are dying, tortured, and brutalized,

And despised and blamed though innocent.

The sad part is these fellow human beings,

Are mere mortals seeking newfound peace,

In a world where freedom is constantly targeted, 

For control and power and fear of the unknown.

How can we allow this profanity to occur?

Where enslavement and torture is the norm,

For a group who practices freedom and love,

Where compassion is their primary goal.

Choices From Our Soul (Poem)

Is there a right or wrong?

Or are there simply better choices,

That agree with our soul?

The minute we think, we got it right,

We stumble again, on unknown path.

Because life is expansion,

From the divine,

As we make up the rules,

And stand by its side.

Nothing is static,

A constant motion,

We’re simply moulding,

Life again.

Do we love this life,

Or do we dread the unknown?

Or fear the mountains,

That stand tall,

And never cease to be,

Its terrifying piece.

When we stop and reflect,

We realize there’s no right or wrong,

Simply choices, that guide us back home.

As we stumble, upon the answer,

We realize we were never wrong.

Simple journey,

Simple learning,

Or remembering what we knew,

So we can take this insight,

Into our newfound life,

And shout out loud, to the divine.

Saying we’re born again,

Let’s dream out loud,

In this illusionary world,

Where we think out loud,

And write the script.

The Hand is Always There (Poem)

You’re silent and drifting away,

Perhaps you don’t recognize,

All the help by your side.

You seclude yourself every day,

Your mind wonders in rage.

There’s more than one approach,

Than secluding yourself in disguise.

Open up,

Explain yourself,

Disclose the thoughts,

Running through your head.

No judgment,

No Truth is to blame,

Just open up,

Let us help you today.

Look Within

Have you ever heard of someone who’s always grumpy, complaining, and pessimistic about life? Can he have a fabulous life? Even if he did have a fabulous life, he wouldn’t recognize it, therefore, he wouldn’t be happy. Do you want to be the bitter pessimistic person, or do you want to be the optimistic, and appreciative survivor? A sour outlook on life will never get you anywhere. Be the person who says I’m going to be positive and grateful despite negative circumstances or conditions. Danny G.

Face Life and What’s Lurking Inside (Sonnet)

My greatest fears were surfacing,

In a world of reality irrational thinking. 

Held so long so deep inside of me,

Distorted into illusionary space.  

Voices speculating in unfamiliar ways,

As they were forcefully dominating their game.

Leaping out in their own disguises, 

Trying to convince me of heartbreaking lies.  

I acknowledge, it was all my creation, 

That created this illusionary space.

Not wanting to face my world inside,

So I created an escape from human life.

I can see the astonishing correlation, 

Face life and what’s lurking inside. 


Living Consciously

Don’t sleep walk and live carelessly, or you’ll end up living a lie with many troubles. Contemplate your motives and actions, so that in the end, you won’t regret your choices, and you will be pleased you made a decision to live consciously. Danny G.