Enjoy the Journey

What is Sabbath day? Why was it created? The scripture says God created the earth in six days and then he rested on the seventh day, which we call the Sabbath day. The scripture says he wants that day kept as a holy day devoted to him to celebrate his creation and remember his truths.

Even if you’re not a biblical person, I’m sure you can still relate to the message that we need to reserve time for contemplation and rest. We should reserve time to quiet down and remember the truths that many of us have forgotten. Why are we here? Where do we come from? What are the universal truths that would enable us to have a godly life and the life we desire? Today, more than ever, we’re so destination oriented that we forget to slow down and reserve time to unwind and reflect.

We’re so focused on getting ahead in life and acquiring more things that we forget about what matters most in life, our spiritual evolution. Not understanding the universal laws that govern humanity can be described as going into an exam room completely oblivious on how to respond and not even knowing how to begin.

Consider someone who knows everything there is to know about a subject of expertise but he doesn’t know anything about his spiritual essence, God and why he’s here. Can the subject of expertise help him when he experiences loss and grief? Can the subject of expertise help him when he faces challenges and adversities? Can the subject of expertise help him when he is put under pressure, and when he is tested on his moral values? A subject of expertise can give you recognition, money, and status, but can a subject of expertise teach you wisdom, insight and intuition?

What good can there be in becoming the best stock broker, or the best musician if you don’t know how to handle life, and the challenges we all face at one point or another? What good can there be in becoming the best in a subject of expertise if we forgot why we began in the first place? Are we in competition or are we trying to be the best version of ourselves?

What is admiring God’s creation? It’s appreciating where we are today and everything we accomplished despite the odds being against us. It’s acknowledging our progress and everything we’ve done to get to where we are in this present moment. It’s living in the moment while still anticipating good things for the future but not thinking that we need to get somewhere else to be happy. Joy is our reason for being, and joy is always realized when looking inward.

Enjoying the journey and not being so destination oriented is living in the moment and when we take time to rest and acknowledge our creation, we experience true joy and gratitude.

The Benefits of Meditation

Why is meditation beneficial? The biological benefits which have been studied suggest meditation:

-lowers blood pressure
-improves the immune system
-slows down aging
-allows you to think more clearly
-improves concentration and the list goes on.

From a spiritual perspective, the practice of meditation is beneficial because it allows us to connect with our higher self, and live in the moment. Think of an individual who has an overactive mind. Let’s say his mind is preoccupied with everything but the present moment. Let’s say he’s listening to everyone but himself. How can he be attentive if his mind is preoccupied with everything but the present moment? How can he get to the core issues of what’s troubling him if his mind is preoccupied with everyone but himself?

When you focus only on the external world, you get so immersed in this reality, that you forget what matters above all else, which is your spiritual evolution. The eternal, infinite universal spirit that transcends the universe, is the reason you’re here, and it’s who you are, and if you forget this, then you have forgotten the essence of who you are.

When you shut your eyes in meditation, you’re looking inward rather than outward. You quiet your mind, and you stop focusing merely on physicality and things, and you begin to focus on the evolution of your soul. You can not grow spiritually if you’re concerned only with matters of a physical nature. The only way to grow spiritually is to go inward and what better way then to quiet your mind and focus on your evolution and God.

If you’re focused too much on the external world, reasoning and analyzing, then how do you explain what has no scientific explanation? Do you have a scientific explanation as to why you have a soul?

How do you follow your intuition if you don’t quiet your mind and cut out distractions? Have you ever heard of someone who’s always busy and always needs to be around others, and the minute he’s alone with himself he feels uneasy? Is that because he thinks too much when he is alone? Maybe, or is it his way of avoiding the thoughts that have been troubling him all these years? Never acknowledging one’s spiritual evolution may be the reason we break down after a while, and then we don’t realize what happened.

Would we breakdown if we learned to quiet our mind, and face what we have been trying to avoid all these years? Maybe we would, but meditation and reflection allows us to quiet our mind enough to think clearly, and to access our intuition, and receive the answers we seek. When we’re in this space we know how to handle the breakdown.

Why is anyone stressed? Because we have too much on our mind, and we don’t know how to deal with a situation. What better way to clear the mind then to meditate and reflect? When we’re in this relaxed space, it’s much easier to find a solution, isn’t it? Maybe meditation won’t solve all of our problems, but it will release the resistance that’s been accumulating all these years.

So next time you feel uneasy or you’re searching for meaning, or maybe you’re just looking for an escape from physicality, why not try to meditate?


What are affirmations and why do they work? Think about your thoughts and the words you speak for a minute. What are they? Your thoughts and words are a stream of affirmations and beliefs. Every thought you think and every word you speak, you’re affirming what you know about the subject, and how you feel about the subject.

When you’re feeling depressed, you’re affirming you’re depressed for a variety of reasons which are all affirmations. When you’re feeling fear, you’re affirming the very reasons that make you fearful.

If you never work at changing your thoughts or words they will remain or become your beliefs and expectations, which will become your reality in time. You must make an effort at changing your thoughts and words, or it’s the experiences and circumstances in your life that will decide for you. For without a change in thoughts, life remains.

How can your life change if you don’t change your thoughts, and your affirmations? If your life would change regardless of your persistent fear and depression, that would mean thoughts and words have no power, which defies logic and law.

What happens when you speak a positive affirmation is that you interrupt the negative thought and you focus on a new thought of what you want to experience rather than the opposite of what you want. What God has given us is a tool to take charge of a situation and our lives. The tool makes sense because if we continue to dwell only on thoughts of fear or depression, we will remain in this state and we will eventually attract what we fear and what we’re depressed about.

Even if you have that thing you want, would you be happy to have it if you were dwelling only on thoughts of fear or depression? Essentially, you have two options, allow the adversity to speak for itself and take you wherever it leads, or you can speak to the adversity and to yourself, which inevitably changes your reality.

In order to change a thought you must introduce a new thought. When you introduce a new thought, you may not believe it yet, but what happens is when you keep on repeating it you’re not thinking so much of the old thought and you’re focusing on a new train of thought.

We can not have a life without thought, nor can there be a universe without thought, since this would defy all logic and the laws of the universe. How can we create without thought? Isn’t every idea from thought? Doesn’t all action and words stem from thoughts?

Now ask yourself this, how much impact do my thoughts have over my life? If you say my thoughts have no power over the unfolding of my life, then you’re saying your life is predetermined, and that you have no control. What control do you have other than your thoughts? What moves you to action other than your thoughts? If you say your thoughts have partial control over the unfolding of your life, then you’re saying your life is partially under your control. If you say your thoughts have complete control over the unfolding of your life, then you can say I am in control.

As we speak affirmations, we move towards the new thought because we speak about it and act on it. As before you were thinking, speaking and acting on your old beliefs but now you’re thinking, speaking and acting on a new belief.

So next time you face a dilemma or you feel inadequate, change your affirmations and know that the very things you’re affirming will inevitably become your reality, and know that the process will unfold just as you spoke it into being.

The Placebo Effect

We’ve heard of the placebo effect, where you take a pill you believe will be good for you, and it produces positive results. The placebo research states if we expect a pill to be effective at treating a disease, by our expectations, our symptoms will improve. Therefore, after ingesting a placebo pill, the outcome is depended predominantly on our focus and expectation. 

Wouldn’t the opposite happen if we were focused on a medicine harming the body? Meaning if our thoughts were focused on the medicine causing adverse effects, would it create more harm to the body? Denying this statement would be saying that our thoughts have no power over our physiology, which completely undermine the placebo effect research. So if that’s the case, and our thoughts have power, why not focus on the medicine doing what’s it’s supposed to do, minus the adverse effects?

The placebo effect has been on tv, in books and in articles, and the research on the placebo effect discovered it’s primarily our thoughts that are creating the outcome of a medicine. If expectation brings about an outcome, and if we’re constantly worried about something we’re ingesting, what are we projecting? We expect our concerns and fears and therefore we bring about our concerns and fears.

I do agree that medication has side effects, but if our thoughts can create healing through a placebo pill, why wouldn’t it be able to do the reverse if we’re constantly worried about what we’re consuming?

If the media is always reinforcing the concept that medication is harmful to the body, and if we believe this concept, what are we projecting again? All you have to do is type in medication on YouTube or google, and you get as much negative feedback about medication as benefits.

I believe we should be informed but there’s such a thing as too much information, and our physiology as individuals don’t all work the same with treatment. Why does one person feel benefit from a medicine, yet another feels only side effects with the same medication? Body chemistry plays a role, however, considering all the research that’s been done on the placebo effect, we have to admit our beliefs and expectations are crucial in determining our physiology according to treatment.

The problem lies in people’s perception of medication, and we’re so immersed in this world of side effects and reactions that we forget about the many more benefits. From an individual perspective, there’s so many benefits and effects from what we consume, so why are we trying to figure out the one right way for everyone?

It’s quite evident that medication can have adverse effects for some people, but if someone was allergic to peanuts, would you tell everyone to not eat peanuts? Would you say there are no benefits to peanuts considering all the research that’s been done on its potential health benefits?

We need to accept everyone’s beliefs, and we shouldn’t expect everyone to follow our way and only our way. There’s nothing wrong with sharing our opinion on the matter, but there’s too much diversity in the world to think there’s only one approach to healing. We should appreciate all the resources and technology that we so take for granted.

And next time you take a pill tell yourself it’s going to do what it’s designed to do minus the adverse effects, and don’t let anyone change your mind.

Create Your Own Prognosis

Why should you give a poor prognosis all your focus and attention when so many people have surpassed the expectation? You’re basing your life on an educated guess, when you should be focused on succeeding, not failing. We’re all made from the same source, and you can call this source God, or energy or a soul, but the fact that you come from this infinite energy should be your true indicator of success. Whether it’s only a minority who heals, or the majority who heals, if one person did it, then all can do it.

How many people beat the odds, but we still doubt, as if they have something we don’t. Every religion and every master will tell you we all come from the same source and we’re all made from the same energy that created the universe. You can call this source Holy Spirit or the great I AM but the point of the matter is we are all divinely created and we keep on creating ourselves anew through God.

We can say every person on the planet is an extension of the universal spirit that created it all. Sometimes only a minority heals from a deadly disease or accomplishes a childhood dream, however saying it’s unattainable is declaring these people have something we don’t. It’s basically saying these people deserve well-being or prosperity more than us.

We’re all made up of flesh and bone, but the only difference is in our thinking, and perception changes everything. We think we’re inferior to everyone who ever accomplished anything great, whether it’s healing from a disease or embarking on new territory.

When we say I can’t do it, it is inferiority, because in almost every challenge in life, someone has surprised us and achieved the impossible. Whatever we didn’t accomplish yet, it’s just a matter of time before humanity perseveres and discovers yet another breakthrough.

Have you ever heard of someone who accomplished a great task saying I didn’t think I could do it, or it’s never going to happen? Isn’t everything an idea first? We don’t move towards anything that isn’t a thought first. Isn’t every idea a launching pad for another?

Doesn’t everything in life have a sequence and season? Is everything random and is life just about evolution? Or is there a definite plan and purpose we assign for ourselves in our physical experience? Isn’t there a plan and purpose that the universe desires for all?

This grand awareness that we call God created everything including every particle in this universe, so there should be no doubt as to his power in your life, and in the universe. Can there ever be an answer that remains hidden from this infinite intelligence?

Would God the great I AM who created the universe out of utter perfection not have good intentions for humanity? Would God the great I AM say there’s nothing we can do about the calamity and world peace and the so called diseases of this planet? Would a God who said I can do all things, be limitless to anything you desire?

God is waiting for you to decide and he’s saying you can do it, and you say I can’t. So next time you face an obstacle or crisis, the starting point should be, I CAN!