Unity Collaboration and Uniqueness

Evolution is not through separation, but through unity, collaboration, and uniqueness. When we act in unity, we work in collaboration as a whole to create a greater humanity. Everyone has a part to share through their authenticity and uniqueness to create a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.

Understanding Its Origin

Ask yourself, what is this pain or adversity trying to tell you? Listen, be open minded and contemplate. There’s opportunities within every adversity, and there’s opportunities within our pain. Contemplate without frustration or confusion. Allow clarity to become you by stepping back from the challenge and understanding its origin. Danny G. 

Two Minds Within You

You have two minds within you. One is motivation, inspiration and wisdom. The other is lack, inferiority and pessimism. One says you can, and the other says you can’t. Which ever one you listen to determines the rest. Danny G. 

True Satisfaction and Joy

Don’t seek to merely receive recognition and wealth. True satisfaction and joy is not from the gold you possess or living a life of luxury. It’s from living with purpose and meaning. It’s following your passion and creativity. Danny G. 

True Happiness and Inner Peace

Don’t get attached to what’s outside of you. For the exterior world has ups and downs, and pros and cons. If we attach to them, they control us and our emotions. We let the exterior world define us and mislead us. When we seek inward first, the ups and downs don’t decide for us. We choose to seek within where true happiness and inner peace abounds. Danny G. 

Time Our Greatest Asset

Time can be our greatest friend or our greatest enemy. Are you using time to complain, be pessimistic and bored, or are you using time for success and productivity. The greatest asset we are given is time, but it’s also limited in our lifetime. Therefore, be wise, be smart, be patient, master your craft, master your mind, master life, and you will get the essence of your desires. Danny G. 


Whenever in chaos or havoc, pause and be aware. Be aware of the spirit within you. Be aware of the infinite intelligence within you. Be aware of the limitless source within you. Pause, contemplate and allow the genius within you to emerge. Danny G. 

The Greater You

You can allow a narrow view or you can allow self awareness and personal transformation. Narrow view sees reality as is. It doesn’t contemplate. It doesn’t reflect. Self awareness sees the opportunity within the challenge. It seeks faith and optimism which lead to inspiration and motivation. Self awareness leads to personal transformation, because when you seek greater awareness, you grow, you expand and you become the greater you. Danny G. 

Changing Probable Into Possibility

You can focus on probable or you can focus on possibilities. Probable refers to reality. Possibilities is turning the impossible in a possibility. Most people venture into the probable. My challenge to you is to focus on what unwavering faith can do. Focus on your abilities and capabilities. Focus on the Great I AM and declare the rest. Danny G. 

The Gateway

Questions are the gateway to wisdom and enlightenment. For you cannot receive without asking. Without questions, you remain, but with questions you grow. With questions, you seek further. With questions you understand more. With questions, you create greater self awareness and transformation. Danny G.