At times, the further you go into the darkness, the greater the light afterwards. Danny G.
The Seeker In Me
I thank you, the seeker in me, for without seeking, I wouldn’t have asked those deep questions. Without asking those deep questions, I wouldn’t have received the answers. Without receiving the answers, I wouldn’t have overcome myself and moved beyond the challenge. Danny G.
The Mindset Of I CAN
You can play it in the safety zone, or you can fully embrace your power and potential within. You can barely get by, or you can acknowledge your freedom and abundance. You can merely get your needs supplied, or you can receive much greater. It all starts in the mindset, and the mindset begins with I can and I will. Danny G.
Thank Your Past
Focusing merely on past traumas is letting the past define us. Our power remains in the present as our ultimate creation and deliberate thinking. Don’t allow the past to limit you. Learn from it, grow from it and thank it for bringing you greater self awareness and personal transformation. Danny G.
The Greatest Response
Declare you are a master of your genetics. When you say you are your genes, you lose your power. When you say you have the power to master your genes, you master your mind and body. Saying we are merely genes is powerless, but the way we respond to our genes and environment defines everything. Danny G.
Focus on What Can Be
Instead of focusing on what was, focus on what can be. Focus on your dreams and goals. Inspire yourself, motivate yourself and enlighten yourself. From within lies infinite intelligence and energy waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G.
Stepping Back Onboard
Don’t wait for the perfect season to chase your inspiration and calling. Detours and delays are inevitable, but stepping back onboard reveals your strength, potential and capabilities. The path will be shown to you with persistence and faith. Danny G.
Settle For Greater
Instead of wanting things to go back to the way they were, focus on new possibilities and opportunities. Yesterday may have been great, but today and tomorrow can be even greater. You’re not at the same place you were. You’re always in the process of personal growth and transformation. Don’t settle for the same, settle for greater. Danny G.
Recreating From the Unknown
If you want to create a new you, forget who you were yesterday. Take the good from yesterday and evolve from that, but use your history as a vantage point to create yourself anew. You’re always growing, and yesterday’s flaws and weaknesses don’t need to keep replaying in your mind. Learn from it, expand with it, and remember that every discovery starts by recreating from the unknown. Danny G.
Let Peace Dominate
You can be motivated by fear, or you can be motivated by peace. Fear grapples you to the ground leaving you exhausted and frail. Peace guides you and teaches you. Fear whispers lies in your ears, while peace whispers everything will be ok. Fear can dominate or peace can dominate. When you embrace peace, you embrace faith, wisdom and persistence. Danny G.