The universe is always speaking to you. Inspiration, enlightenment and wisdom is calling you. You have two voices. One voice is the benevolent universe, and the other are misconceptions of your world. You can make either of them larger in your mind. Know that your world impacts others. Honor your responsibility to bring peace and faith to the world. Danny G.
Replace Illusions
A figment of imagination can create an illusion, an emotion, and a new way of thinking. Just as you can create illusions, negativity and anxieties, you can also create wellness, positivity and inner peace. The reality you create in your mind becomes the reality you live in. Be conscientious, be mindful and be kind to yourself, for whatever you perceive in your internal world becomes your external world in time. Danny G.
Discover Yourself
You can go down that slippery slope and remember all those times you fell. Or you can take control, embrace the situation and be productive. Faith is asking you to follow your inner guidance, inspiration and wisdom. You can focus on your failures, infirmities and inadequacies, or you can focus on all the times you got back up. You can focus on the fact that you’re still here for a reason and it’s up to you to discover it. Danny G.
Mediocrity or Abundance
The reason for your lack of joy is your unwillingness to move forward to your desires. It’s being complacent and stagnant. It’s not taking that first step. It’s following logic rather than your inner guidance and wisdom. Your desires are inspired by the source within you. You can live the mediocre life, or you can live the abundant life. The choice is up to you, as you contemplate what your journey is telling you. Danny G.
Incorporate A New Reality
Feeling out of control is repeated thoughts and behaviors. You thought the same way for so long, it’s become ingrained in your subconscious mind. It’s become habitual and predictable. As you practiced thoughts and behaviors towards negative habits, you need to practice thoughts and behavior to incorporate a new reality. Train your mind to be present. Identify what caused the imbalance within you, and retrain your mind into a new way of living. Anything can become unconscious if we do it long enough, just as faith and persistence can become our new life when we focus on it long enough. Danny G.
From Pessimism to Optimism
Some people use one negative aspect of their lives, and they make it their reality and expectations. Others take that negative aspect, they learn from it and grow. They allow what was once called pessimism to become optimism. When you’re optimistic, you open doors for greater joy and abundance. When you’re pessimistic, you cannot see the solution or the world of opportunities. Don’t close yourself off to the world from negativity. Allow what’s negative to become a building block for a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.
Just A Cycle
Everything has a cycle and is subject to change. Fighting this simple notion is resisting life. Don’t look merely at a season indefinitely. Look ahead, appreciate what’s behind and embrace the new. Danny G.
God’s Compassion
Often, when it feels like life will never change, something on the horizon is manifesting without any evidence of it. If you give up, you’ll never know. If you persist with faith, you’ll find out that when nothing was happening, everything was happening. God loves you. Danny G.
Stronger and Wiser
When your passion and purpose is strong enough, the battle doesn’t wear you down incessantly. For out of every obstacle, you grow stronger, wiser, and the Phoenix within you emerges. Danny G.
Persistence and Faith Doesn’t Quit
The ones who achieved great success often fell time and time again. They failed time and time again. They were called crazy time and time again. What made them succeed was their unwillingness to give up. They persisted with faith in their heart, and they knew persistence and faith doesn’t quit until it arrives at its destination. Danny G.