Accept the insights, wisdom and advice that resonates with your soul, and let go of the rest. Growing means knowing who you truly are, and what you’re capable of. It’s letting go of limitations and embracing the new. Danny G.
Listening to the Spirit
The mind often has misconceptions, preconceptions and confusion. The spirit believes in possibilities and faith. The spirit believes it can do anything through you. The mind can talk us out of success if we become overly fearful and pessimistic. Talk yourself into abundance and prosperity. Feed your mind with the spirit of faith and optimism. With this mindset and persistence, triumph is inevitable. Danny G.
Leaving Tracks
The way you live is leaving tracks for others to follow. You can leave tracks of pessimism, fear and bitterness, or you can leave tracks of optimism, faith and compassion. Living in a world of polarity, you have the power to influence this generation. Danny G.
Let It Become You
The greatest barrier is not moving past the psychological road blocks. The road blocks appear in the form of fear, pessimism, bitterness or anything negative. On the other side of negativity is clarity, faith, peace, optimism and compassion. You must seek to find it. Practice it, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G.
Quote for Today
You can say to the adversity, I will rise or I will be defeated. The choice is up to you. Danny G.
I Can Change You Now
Nothing can resist your will if it’s strong enough. Nothing can sink you down without your consent. Speak to your resistance, say you’re nothing but a thought, and I can change you now. Danny G.
Quote for Today
All prayers manifests. They manifest to the degree we believe and expect them to. Danny G.
How Can I?
Your lack of faith causes procrastination. For when you believe you can’t, you don’t take action. Just like your lack of faith can cause procrastination, so too your faith, can create motivation and inspiration. You don’t have to believe it all. Just take a step into the unknown, and dare to say how can I? Danny G.
Divinity Expressed in Physicality
Many of us are asleep to who we truly are. We believe we are our genes, a product of our environment and a physical evolution. Though everything plays a part in our journey, we are much more that physicality. We are extensions of the universal spirit that transcends the universe. Our capabilities and abilities are limitless. Our limits are self imposed. Our reality is self imposed. We are creators of our destiny as we march boldly to our next pursuit and victory. We are spirit. We are powerful. We are enlightenment. We are divinity expressed in a human body. Danny G.
His Love Never Dies
You didn’t fall so deep that God cannot restore you, nor that God would cease his love for you. Embrace your uniqueness, and the authenticity that sets you apart from the rest. Never condemn your existence, nor the environment that brought you here. For it’s all part of the journey and plan to bring you back home. Danny G.