Your Meaning and Value

You create your own meaning and value to life with the divine. You become your predominant thoughts, words and actions. You are the master of your destiny. Create boldly, knowing the universe conspires on your behalf and looks out for your ultimate best. Danny G. 

You’re the Artist

See yourself as the artist you’re born to be. You’re meant to create, to discover yourself anew, and to transform into the Phoenix you were created to be. The pen is in your hands and the canvas lies in front of you, so get up, and paint the vision you hold in your mind. Don’t waver, and let it unfold as you created it to be. Danny G. 

Your First Step

Your first step in releasing negative beliefs is to question them. See what beliefs resonate with your soul, and what beliefs create confusion and doubt. For whatever creates clarity, peace and joy are those beliefs aligned with your higher self. Whatever creates confusion, doubt and fear creates lack and separation. Danny G. 

You Create Your Fate

You determine your fate. Fate is self created, and fate can change because you’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane. Don’t allow an external fate to rule over you. Let go of those misconceptions, and embrace the growth seeking being you’re destined to be. Danny G.

Words With Wisdom

Words are meant to come together for the purpose of evolution and expansion. We have the power to hurt another or uplift another. They can teach or destroy. They can resonate with a multitude for years to come, or they can vanish instantaneously. Words combined with wisdom and insights have the potential to empower generation after generation. Danny G. 

Unity and Compassion

God is about unity and compassion. He isn’t about division and separation. A thought leader teaches we have the power and potential within. You are infinite intelligence in a body with the spirit that transcends all understanding. Leaders remind you of your power. They don’t teach you to seek outside yourself. They know the greatest power dwells in the limitless and infinite source that lives inside you at all times. Danny G. 

Understanding Yourself

Ask yourself why you want these desires. What intentions do you have? Seek inward to know why these desires are calling you. Understanding yourself and your desires, is key to unlocking your full potential and calling. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

We are a unity of interconnected beings. Generosity is in our nature. Give knowing you are contributing to world peace and happiness. Danny G.