Your Capable Hands

Believe in the God or Goddess you are, and that the power remains in your capable hands. There is no coincidence, as it’s all creation. Know your role is to have faith and persistence, and the rest is left to the universe to work its magic. Danny G. 

Your Permanent Home

The path is paved before you. You can focus on success, or you can allow failure to become your home. Success requires perseverance and strength. It requires determination and faith. Stop focusing on lack, and make success your destination and permanent home. Danny G. 

Replaced With Faith

Fear will tell you all the reasons you can’t, or all the reasons you’re not worthy. Faith will tell you everything is within your reach when you embody faith and let it become you. You can become fear, or you can become faith. Faith is staring at the fear and saying, you’re only a misconception and a lie, and I replace you with faith. Danny G. 

Dare to Believe

God speaks to us through thoughts, feelings and experiences. Combined together with action and perseverance, growth is inevitable. At times the guidance comes as intuition or a sign. It may come as inspiration to move forward, or as a recurring experience that prompts us to action. Don’t deny it, don’t suppress it, and when inspiration calls you, dare to believe and persevere. Danny G. 

An Act Of Self Care

Letting go is an act of self care and love. When you let go, your mind is no longer bombarded with memories of the past. It’s easier to reflect and find that space of inner peace and clarity. Essentially, it’s saying I no longer need this suffering to weigh me down. I no longer need this suffering as a drive. I choose compassion and self care, and I allow it to lead the way. Danny G.  

Bound to Change

Don’t allow the past to dictate your future. Often we have relived and experimented something so long, we lose track of our destination. We believe the same will unfold time and time again. Let go, and know everything is impermanent and bound to change for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Train Your Mind

Train your mind to live in the present moment. From this present moment, empower yourself to create positive change. Empower yourself to be happy and at peace. Regain your self control and power. Your control and power is creating in the present now. Let go of negative attachments and baggage that only hinders you. Danny G. 

Your Chosen Path

Do not seek to eradicate all adversities and contrast. Seek to be the best you in the midst of imperfection and contrast. Learn to be at peace with your challenges knowing they’re a part of human evolution. You chose to be here in this physical plane, so focus on creating positive change for you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

The Meaning Of Productivity

Productivity means I don’t use you as an excuse, nor do I blame you for failure. It means taking responsibility for yourself knowing the victim mode will keep you complacent and stagnant. Taking action, following the inspiration and allowing God to reveal the path will lead to true success. Danny G. 

Focus on the First Step

Do not look at the magnitude of the wall, nor be intimidated by it. Focus on the first step, and do it to the best of your ability. Everyday you will be one step closer. Everyday you will have honed your skills. Until one day, you’re standing next to the wall in utter amazement and astonishment. What was once merely a stepping stone, is today a masterpiece, perfection created by the bight soul you are. Danny G.