Everyday you must redefine yourself into who you want to be, and what you wish to pursue. Everyday is a stepping stone into the unknown, waiting for your choices, faith and wisdom to shine through. Redefine yourself by seeking self awareness and transformation. For by changing your inner world, you change your outer world. Danny G.
Don’t Doubt Trust and Pursue
The best means of improving lives is to be the best you. For by being the best you, you radiate your essence wherever you go. By being unique and authentic, you add something to the world that no one else can. You have gifts and talents waiting to be unleashed. Don’t doubt, trust and pursue. Danny G.
Surge Through
There will always be a next wave to ride. Wait patiently and at the ideal time, you’ll feel it. Embrace it, and be reminded that no matter how change seemed impossible at first, it’s now within your reach with your opportunity to surge through. Danny G.
Your Reaction Defines Everything
After facing trauma, the memories may still appear from time to time, but your reaction defines everything. You can relive those traumas and never move forward, or you can fully embrace the moment, knowing there is powerful creation within it. The powerful creation starts with your reaction. Declare the past is over now, and it shaped me into who I am today. Focus on the positive transformation and change and let go of the rest. Danny G.
Personal Growth and Freedom
Don’t allow the past to control your present. When we become so consumed with our past and never let go, our past becomes our everyday thoughts and behavior. We live on autopilot never realizing our present can change with a simple twist into self awareness. It starts with a recognition that change is always happening, and it’s up to us to embrace positive change or live based on past conditioning. Embrace the deliberate creator you are, on a journey to personal growth and freedom. Danny G.
Let Go and Embrace Mindfulness
You cannot erase the past. You can only choose not to relive it again and again. You can live based on past attachments and baggage, or you can fully embrace this moment, knowing the future is in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Your Greatest Success
On the other side of fear is stillness, inner peace and tranquility. It’s realizing fear is a perception and perception changes with faith. It’s realizing fear is a misconception and a lie. When you realize this, overcoming fear becomes your greatest success, endeavor and bliss.
Danny G.
Letting Go and Mindfulness
Letting go is embracing mindfulness. For whenever you embrace mindfulness, you’re focused on the moment, and you’re not fixated on the past. Letting go releases negative baggage and attachments. It’s releasing a heavy burden that’s detrimental to your health. When you let go, it’s a sign of self care and compassion towards yourself and others. Danny G.
Accept It As Yours
The more you seek inward, stillness and tranquility, the greater your choices will be. For when your mind is chaotic and turbulent, you cannot focus on your inner self. Seeking inward and stillness is key to wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. It’s quieting the mind so you can hear your inner guidance. It’s always there waiting for you to claim it, understand it and accept it as yours. Danny G.
Meant To Be Praised
The one who is his genuine self, with no apparent reason but to be his true self, shows true character and integrity. The one who shows kindness and compassion despite the world having turned away from him, is the authentic and unique soul that’s meant to be praised. Danny G.