Courage Bravery and Faith

Don’t fall prey to life in the victim game. Declare your courage, bravery and faith to withstand all odds. Playing the victim game only keeps you stuck in a rut. Declare yourself as the victor and Phoenix you’re born to be and bound to thrive. Danny G. 

The Process Of the Pursuit

Do not look merely at the success you acquire, look at who you become in the midst of seeking your achievements. Seek personal growth and your spiritual evolution, and your success is bound to be. It’s not about the number of trophies you acquire, it’s about who you become in the process of its pursuit. Danny G. 

Update on website

For those of you who use to subscribe to my blog, and are unable to receive updates of my posts, there has been a plugin issue with my website disabling the subscription option. I wanted to let you all know, you can follow me for updates and posts on facebook at the exact same name except without the “.com.” The facebook page name is “dannygsthoughtfortoday.” You can also follow my youtube channel which was created by my cousin Jamie and myself. The youtube channel name is “Mystical Minds.” Thanks for your support and thank you for coming back.

The Ideal Motivation

Men clings to fear as a motivation and a means to do what’s right. Masters cling to peace to know the path and destination. Fear keeps you stuck in a rut, while peace leads to freedom, exploration and wisdom. There’s nothing wrong with exploration, as long as you seek inward for the ultimate source, creator and provider. Danny G. 

The Bravery You Are

You can say oh poor soul that you have endured such hardship, or you can say oh brave soul that you have endured such hardship. This is my indication you can succeed and thrive. Keep your head up high, and remember the courage and bravery you are. Danny G.  

The Best Medicine

Stop preparing for the worst case scenario, and predicting the worst outcome. Such thinking is fear based, as you feel you must be ready in your mind, or else you’ll break. Prepare for prosperity, predict success, and know joy is always inside your heart and soul. Seeking inward is the best medicine. Danny G. 

Potential and Courage

Do not fear venturing into the unknown, for out of every obstacle, lies opportunities and possibilities. Out of failure lies your greatest vantage point to start anew and build character. Never fear failure or the unknown, for out of it lies your greatest gift of potential and courage. Danny G. 

Be Led By Compassion

Appreciate the interconnection of everyone. For when you do, there is no separation or competition, for everyone has their role to play for a brighter humanity. Be led by compassion, for when everyone is led by compassion, it creates global peace and transformation. Danny G.