A Guidance System

There are those people who drink themselves sick, while others seek inward for the answers. Some people bury their emotions while others fully embrace them for what they are, a guidance system to their destination and dream. Danny G. 

Faced the Fears

In the middle of a dark cold night, I saw a dark colored wolf standing in front of me from a distance away. The wolf just stared at me on four paws standing still. I smiled at it and went on my way. That was the day, the fear and illusion dissipated and vanished. Danny G. 

Finding Your Ecstasy

Find your own ecstasy, joy and enthusiasm. These emotions are all inborn within you. Don’t seek merely the chemical to get a high, seek your inner resources and create your high. Self reliance is knowing you have the power within you. Empower yourself to be the phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G. 

Your Optimal Best

When you care for your body, you increase productivity, strength and endurance. Caring for your body means developing a healthy lifestyle. Keeping a healthy lifestyle means being conscientious about our diet, exercise and sleep. It means eliminating stress by quieting the mind, relaxation and meditation. 

Never taking a break leads to exhaustion and burnout over time. You’ll be doing yourself a favor when you care for your body. Overworking can lead to short term gain in the form of bonuses and financial gain, but over time it creates stress for your mind and body. It wears you out. It’s all about balance. 

Keep a time for relaxation or meditation. All it takes is a few minutes per day. Ten minutes to twenty minutes over the course of years has been proven to change your physiology and mental health. 

Meditation lowers pulse, so we can see this as a sort of beta blocker or antidepressant minus the side effects. Stress increases your pulse, and fast palpitations over time causes anxiety and in some cases heart issues. Meditation lowers blood pressure, and helps with insomnia issues. Meditation over time has been proven to lengthen telomeres which reverses your biological age and increases longevity. 

Many people say they cannot meditate because they cannot sit still, because anxiety surfaces when they do. What is the problem, meditation or their thoughts? A healthy body and mind increases productivity, reduces sick days and improves optimism. Doesn’t a healthy body and mind feel much better? 

Try having fast palpitations all day and have endurance. You can maintain it for a while but eventually it wears you out. Changing your inner dialogue is essential to greater health. Try being pessimistic and bitter the whole day and you’ll soon realize by the end of your day, you’re drained. Try optimism, faith, gratitude, appreciation and forgiveness, and it elevates your mood. Do it long enough and this will improve your productivity, strength and endurance. Over time it changes mental thought patterns. 

Mental health is one of the leading causes for disability. When you have a healthy mind, it’s easier to do those things that will create a healthy body for you. We’ve all heard the saying, a healthy mind has the potential to create a healthy body. Do yourself a favor and seek personal care, and you’ll find not only your mind will benefit from it, but your body as well. 

Peace is the Answer

You can look at merely what is, or you can question it and seek greater truth. For every master learned not from merely others’ perspectives, but by creating his own. He questioned it, found peace, and then realized peace is the answer. Danny G. 

Leave Out the Musts

Remove the word must from your life. Your only obligation is to be your best where you are, with what you have. There is no must other than your own misconceptions. Treat life as a journey of personal growth and transformation. Leave out the musts and be your authentic self. Danny G. 

Ideal Timing

Be at peace with your yearning, for out of every manifestation, another desire is born. You can yearn for a lifetime, or you can be at peace nevertheless. You can yearn for a lifetime, or you can be grateful nevertheless. You can yearn for a lifetime, or you can know everything appears at the ideal timing. Be at peace with the process, and you’ll be fulfilled knowing not everything has to appear at once, but everything in its ideal timing. Danny G. 

Growth is Inevitable

In your search of truth and knowledge, there will be setbacks, delays and detours. Don’t let them steer you astray. Experience and exploration are the greatest teachers when combined with wisdom. In your search, seek inward for the ultimate wisdom and the infinite intelligence. From this space, growth is inevitable. Danny G. 

Courage and Bravery

Do not let fear conquer your courage and bravery, nor let it conquer your faith. Do not let the battle intimidate you, or cause you to vanish. Step boldly with unwavering faith and perseverance, and declare it yours as though it’s in the palm of your hands. Danny G.