The Greatest Vantage Point

The greatest vantage point is realizing when your dream is fulfilled, another one is birthed within you. And when that dream is fulfilled, another one is conceived and pursued in this perpetual journey of unfolding. The greatest awareness is realizing you are both complete and incomplete. Danny G. 

The Gift Within You

No matter how many times you gave in or failed, remember the gift within you that never dies. It’s the fire ignited inside by the God that you are. When lost, ask him for guidance, for this infinite intelligence is always willing to help. With persistence and faith, you’ll conquer it just as you foreseen it to be. Danny G. 

The Endless Journey

The more wisdom you gather, the greater your personal growth and transformation. Quiet your mind, be still and seek inward for the answers and solutions you’re yearning for. Wisdom, inspiration and motivation is sought within. When you practice wisdom, inspiration seeks you and motivation calls you to action, an endless journey to success and triumph. Danny G. 

The Divine is Guiding You

God, the compassionate, ultimate provider and creator, can answer any prayer you yearn for. Don’t underestimate his power and compassion for you. He has your best interest at heart, and he knows how to orchestrate it all for your greatest good and calling. Claim what’s yours, that the divine is guiding you, and allow it to flourish. Danny G. 

The Bright Soaring Sun

After dark nights follows the bright soaring sun. Do not let the dark nights overwhelm you or cause you to give in. With persistence and faith, you will see the sun shine again. The greatest mistake is believing the dark nights will persist indefinitely. Hold steadfastly to your vision of happiness and success, declare your faith, persist and the sun will shine again and again. Danny G. 

Something to Teach

Every life experience has something to teach, if you simply listen within. Move beyond the havoc inside your mind, and find that space of stillness where peace and divinity lies. This is your greatest power and greatest endeavor. Within the havoc lies your power, your breakthrough and success. Declare it so, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 


Stop suppressing your creativity. Your creativity is what you came for to be. Your creativity is your passion and calling. Allow your uniqueness and authenticity to shine through. Creativity is inspiration, motivation and insights for your zest of life. Don’t suppress it by following the system. Embrace your gifts, potential and who you truly are, a Phoenix born to thrive. Danny G. 

Safe and Secure

Being safe and secure is a mindset. When we believe in the universal and compassionate source, the greatest force in the world, we know our power dwells in faith and being steadfast. We know source is always guiding us, protecting us and leading us to our next victory. Danny G. 

Releasing Resistance

Release resistance for your well being and prosperity. This practice only benefits you, and creates greater habits for success. Releasing resistance means knowing that when you’re whole, the adversity has no place in you. Learn to identify the challenge for what it is, a teacher for personal growth and freedom. Danny G. 

Replace the Limitations

While staring only at the limitations, you cannot see the solution or manifestation. Replace the limitations with the divine’s unwavering faith that can move mountains. Replace it knowing the infinite intelligence is in you, with you and guiding you to triumph. Danny G.