Instead of focusing on what the relationship has taken from you, focus on what the relationship has taught you. Danny G.
Thought for Today
What type of music are you playing in the background of your mind? Is it stress, frustration and pessimism? Or is it light, inspiration and motivation? You can see the world through a negative perspective, or you can have a positive outlook. It all depends on the music you’re listening to, and playing in the background. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Often, we judge others based on the past. People change and so do you. The ones that always remain don’t evolve. The ones that show outstanding change are the most misunderstood. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Can you receive any great ideas or inspiration when you’re pessimistic or bitter? You project what you essentially are. When you’re optimistic and full of faith, your personality and behavior reflect this, and what you give out. If you want to be of service to yourself and others, the journey begins within with your happiness and inner peace. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Ego is saying that I rather win the battle than create peace. It’s saying no matter what the burden is for myself and others, I rather win. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Great leadership comes from experience. Experience teaches, inspires, and enlightens. Without having lived it, you’re basing your insight and knowledge on someone else. Everyone faces adversities in life, so everyone has something to teach. Find your unique calling, your unique mission, and from this space, teach, inspire and enlighten. Danny G.
Quote for today
Don’t cling to something that is only meant for a season. Times shift, and so do you. Life is perpetual change and evolution. Embrace the continuation of your journey. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Spend time with people who enlighten, inspire and motivate you. Look for an environment that uplifts you. Messages can become our subconscious mind, if we allow it. Hear it enough, see it enough, and it becomes a part of you. Therefore, be careful with who you choose to be in your surroundings, for they can either lift you up or break you. Danny G.
Thought for Today
From a young age we formulate negative ideas based on our environment, upbringing and misconceptions. We take these perspectives as our own, thinking they are the truth. Then we bring them into adulthood and cause limitations within us. The key is to heal your inner child. The reason these negative thoughts keep on prodding you is because you never dealt with them yet. You allowed your inner child to become your reality. Revisit your inner child, and understand where those thoughts come from. Instead of causing a greater burden, accept, send compassion to yourself and let go. Danny G.
Thought for Today
Accept each season with loving arms. Know that yesterday’s choices were ideal at that time. The only time you need to revisit your decisions is for personal and spiritual growth. If you’re revisiting your past out of anger, resentment or guilt, you’re only staying stuck in the past and you stunt growth. Once you learn the lesson, move on, be the best you and know that your choices today may be different than yesterday. That’s ok, because life is always changing and evolving and so are you. Danny G.