You block God’s blessings by not having faith. You block him by not feeling worthy. You block him by not persisting. Never blame God for unanswered prayers, for it’s not his lack towards you. Look within yourself, and ask yourself, why aren’t you letting it in? That is the true question you should ask yourself. Danny G.
Creation From the Inside Out
Unwavering faith is knowing what you desire is granted to you. It’s knowing whatever you think, speak and act on consistently is creation from the inside out. It’s creation from seeking inward to manifestation. Danny G.
Alignment With Your Soul
When you say let your will be done God, despite not having your desire, you know you trust your source. You know if you don’t have it, it’s for your ultimate best. And you know if you have it, it’s in alignment with your soul. Danny G.
Being Receptive
Being receptive to God’s blessings is knowing you are worthy. It’s knowing God’s unconditional love. It’s knowing healing and prosperity is yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Persistence doesn’t quit, and faith is always waiting for your response, resilience and steadfastness. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Do not look merely at the external manifestations, look within yourself, because when you conquer within, you conquer the exterior. Danny G.
You Choose Your Journey
You’re clinging to those beliefs and expectations out of fear. You fear letting go and the unknown. Your fear keeps you from exploring, experiencing and your joy of freedom. Instead you cling to what’s been passed down to you without questioning as though questioning is wrong. You’re meant to be authentic. You’re meant to be you, not someone else’s opinion of the right you. You choose your purpose. You choose your mission. You choose your journey. And ultimately, this leads to your destiny. Danny G.
What Resonates With You
Do not look merely at the source of teachings. Look for the teachings that resonate with you. Every master didn’t base their every choice, belief and expectation on only the source. Don’t live someone else’s life. Be unique. Be authentic. Be a master who says I’m not obliviously following a source of information. I can choose what choices, beliefs and expectations are aligned with my higher self. Danny G.
What Are You Tapping Into
When we’re passionate about something, and we follow the inspiration, we are channeling. When we follow our excitement in alignment, we are channeling. When we use our creativity in productive ways, we are channeling. We are the creators with source in our heart and soul sharing our gifts and abilities for a greater humanity. Danny G.
Waiting to be Unleashed
Growth comes from stepping out into the unknown and persisting with a faith that doesn’t die. The comfort zones may try to keep you still, or it may try to pull you back to safety, but know with a new awareness comes breakthroughs waiting to be unleashed. Danny G.
Uniquely You
Do not seek to find the one and only path. Choose what resonates with you, and let go of the rest. You may find much enlightenment from one philosophy or one leader, but it shouldn’t stop there. You are the master of your own ship. You don’t need another to tell you this is the one and only way. You have the wisdom within you. You have infinite intelligence within you. Every great leader that walked this earth didn’t confine to one system. They remained authentic, steadfast and that’s what it means to be uniquely you. Danny G.