Experience and exploration can be the greatest teacher. Some experience and explore while leaving the soul behind. Others experience and explore and let the soul lead the path. The soul yearns for experience and exploration, however, the soul is fully aware experience and exploration alone doesn’t create true outstanding growth. Seeking your spiritual evolution is growth, seeking the best version of you is growth, and allowing the soul to teach you wisdom is the ultimate story of success and triumph. Danny G.
Be Patient With Yourself
Be patient with yourself. Don’t allow mistakes or failures to create havoc within you. Give yourself some space for solitude, to seek inward and to quiet your mind. You’ll discover this is the best means to be productive, to thrive, and to triumph. Danny G.
Mapping A New Life
In order to map a new life and future, you must let go of the old. Let go of misconceptions, mistranslations, and lies you acquired over time. Over time, you began listening to others, neglecting your inner guidance. You began listening to world views which you thought had greater truth than your wisdom. You began constructing your life based on others perceptions, the leaders and experts of our planet.
Advice is good, however, every person is unique and authentic and we all have a different journey. People feel they need a rule book to live their lives. I’m not saying rules are not conducive to a greater society, however, every situation is different, and life is always changing and evolving.
Ruling our lives based on yesterday perpetuates yesterdays. What if we continued to neglect women’s rights? Would we see change in equality and production with women? What improved women’s rights were people who stood up for a new resolution, a greater life and equal rights.
How are gay people viewed today as opposed to the early 20th century? We live in a world with greater acceptance. As before, gay people would hide, now much more are expressing themselves in ways that society would previously abolish.
In the 19th and 20th century, life seemed mapped out for us from the time we were children. We had teachers and leaders who would tell us what we can or cannot do based on their observations. How many of those people who were belittled or misjudged turned out to be a success story? What if they listened to the misconceptions and continued to create the same reality? Would they see change?
Humanity needs people who take the initiative to create positive change and break the boundaries. Breaking the boundaries means not listening to the misconceptions of yesterday or people who believe you can’t do it. It’s accepting contrast, accepting everyone’s journey and beliefs. It’s standing up for your rights and knowing what others say doesn’t create your life story.
You create your life story through the authentic and unique being you are. Listen to your inner guidance, wisdom and intuition, and you’ll discover the leader and expert within you.
The Treasure House Of Infinity
Inspiration comes from within, and from personal experience. Combine it with wisdom and an attentive ear, and you’ll discover the treasure house of infinity within you. From this space, inventions are created, art is created, literature is created, and all heavenly creation stems from this source. Be still, listen and be guided from within. Danny G.
A Gift to Cherish
Don’t let your ego rule your heart and soul. Take every moment as a gift from above. A gift to love. A gift to cherish. A gift to remember our loved ones. A gift to put God first in our lives. When we do, we never fall astray, we always find our way back through him. Danny G.
RIP Uncle Rosaire
The Right Motivation
Are you motivated by fear or faith? Fear perceives the worst case scenario, and all the ugliness in the world. Faith lets peace be the empire while trusting source, the ultimate provider. With faith, all things are possible, and everything is within our reach. Danny G.
The Right Mindset
Most healing is not an intellectual journey. It’s a journey of seeking inward, self love and wisdom. It’s seeking wisdom before the intellect, and choosing faith over fear. It’s knowing our journey has many seasons, and seasons change with the right mindset. Danny G.
Inner Stillness Versus Inner Chaos
Many people who begin meditating feel strong negative emotion, irritability and agitation. This is because the mind and body is used to being occupied. It’s also because when we begin meditation, it’s easier to listen to our subconscious. Within our subconscious mind lies what perpetuates our negative emotion, irritability and agitation. It’s also where our wisdom, faith and love resides.
Within our subconscious mind lies our fears, misconceptions, beliefs and expectations. When we quiet our mind, it’s easier to access the subconscious. Think about being preoccupied filled with to do lists, pressures and deadlines. Your mind is focused on the outer world, on physicality and your ego at times. What does ego mean? Edging God Out!
When we become overly consumed with the outer world, we neglect our inner selves. We neglect our inner guidance and wisdom. When we close our eyes in silence and try to focus on nothing or just leave our thoughts drift, often our thoughts drift to what’s been lingering inside. Often it’s what’s been lingering for a long time.
Some positive beliefs and expectations and some negative beliefs and expectations. In order to create a new you and a new reality, you must let go of the old. That means letting go of negative beliefs and expectations.
The negative beliefs are misconceptions you gathered over time. Can be misconceptions about your self image, your abilities and capabilities. Can be misconceptions about God, who he is, and what he expects of you. Can be a distorted vision of God.
Negative expectations can be expecting the worst outcome. Can be fear of death, of losing your loved ones, or of God not being satisfied with you. Can be work related or parenting as in you’re never doing enough.
Often when all these negative emotions surface, we panic and it’s much more difficult to have clarity of thought. You can speak affirmations of your desired emotions or desired outcome, and it’s beneficial to do so. However, you cannot fight all day. Your brain needs a break.
Let the negative thoughts run their course. Don’t fight it, just let it be. When you no longer give them attention, they subside and disappear. Then meditation becomes easier and you’ll begin to enjoy its many benefits. You’ll begin to enjoy your time out from the world. You’ll realize this is the best means to quiet your mind, be still and access your wisdom.
From within lies the answers, solutions and insights you need for greater joy, health and success.
The Process Of Transformation
You can always reject what doesn’t serve you, or what no longer serves you. Don’t be confined to a cage with misconceptions, pessimism and fears. Learn to let go and let wisdom and love rule your heart and soul. You’re always in the process of transformation, and letting go is the best means of bringing in more good and releasing the old. Danny G.
The Process Of Expansion
We move through seasons with the inevitable changes of life as we yearn for growth and new experiences. Accepting and embracing means being aware of the changing seasons, and letting go of negative attachments. It’s being aware life is always in the process of expansion for ourselves and humanity. Learn to walk with it, and be the best you in the midst of it. There is beauty in each season if we dare to look beyond the ego and embrace the new. Danny G.