You’re an ever changing being, and you never cease to exist. Your spiritual evolution calls you for your greatest good and to help others along the way. Your evolution is ultimately for your greatest joy, success and purpose. Don’t forget that, when you seek to find yourself, for there’s always another layer to unfold. Danny G.
The Phoenix You’re Born To Be
Your opinion of yourself is based on past recollection. It’s based on assumptions from the past. Practice mindfulness and know you are creating the future in the moment. Every time your mind wonders back on lack or past trauma, remember the deliberate creator you are, and the Phoenix you’re born to be. Danny G.
The Path Of Wisdom
Wisdom doesn’t force things into being. Wisdom allows the divine to unfold seasons in its timing. It doesn’t cling to what’s no longer working. It clings to the new vision of itself. Wisdom contemplates, reflects and seeks God’s will above all things, because wisdom knows God’s will is the ultimate path and ultimate best. Danny G.
Managing Your Mental Health
What are mental health challenges? We’re all emotional beings who have feelings. Mental illness is not managing your emotions or never confronting them until they spiral out of control. Somebody once told me that mental illness is caused merely by conditions, environment and circumstances. I’m not going to argue with that statement by saying it has no impact on our health. However, saying our condition is merely a chemical imbalance or a poor upbringing is saying the illness and environment is controlling us. With this mindset we are powerless and weak. Do you want to be tossed and turned by the conditions in your life, or do you want to say I’m in control, I define myself and I determine my life and future?
When we don’t manage our finances, we become broke and in debt. Same applies when we leave our troublesome thoughts on the back burner until disaster hits. Eventually one of the links break.
Managing your mental health means practicing self care. Practicing self care means quieting your mind, changing your inner dialogue and finding purpose in your life. Quieting the mind can be done through meditation, a walk in nature or yoga.
Changing your inner dialogue is listening to your thoughts, understanding their depth and reason for being. It’s easier to change your thoughts when you can identify them. It’s refocusing your thoughts into what you wish to create. It’s focusing on productivity and optimism rather than the negative dialogue.
Finding purpose in your life is following your passion, your zest for life and gifting. It’s following your inspiration and inner guidance. When we have purpose in our life, and we’re of service to others, we feel greater satisfaction.
Greater satisfaction, finding purpose and following your intuition all contributes to your overall mental health and happiness. And happiness is key to greater health.
The Palm Of Your Hands
Wisdom is the precursor that reveals your life story. When you let wisdom be your friend and you allow it to be at the forefront of your mind, you prosper beyond means. Wisdom should be sought before external matters. And when you do seek wisdom first, the external matters manifest before you in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
The Algorithm Of Life
You only have so much energy for the day. You can focus on faith or lack. Either choice has benefits or consequences. Use your energy in a productive way, to grow, to refocus and to become the best version of you. Everyone is in the process of creation and discovery. Use the algorithm of life for your greatest good, and the greatest good of humanity. Danny G.
The Oneness We Are
Any egotistical act doesn’t fulfill your heart and soul. Even when you do achieve success through the ego, you’ll always feel a void within the depth of your being. A void that wants to achieve more through the ego. A void that is not fulfilling for the mind and soul. A void that is non essential to fulfilling your desires. When you have a desire, act from the divinity you are. Act from the source of unity and peace that you are. When you do achieve success through this ultimate power, that void will dissipate and you’ll act out of the oneness we truly are. Danny G.
The Mission Of Growth
Life is about growth and expansion. It’s about personal growth, your relationship with your loved ones, and the passion that stirs within you. Learn to embrace growth and you will walk harmoniously in the game of life. Then you’ll be able to help others through the knowledge and wisdom you gained within. Danny G.
The Joy of the Journey
If I want you out of desperation, I cannot have you nor lift you up. If I fall on every occasion, I cannot have you nor lift you up. For the act of desperation is a thought of lack and absence. Love allows everything in its ideal timing for the joy of the ride and the joy of the journey. Danny G.
Powerful or Powerless
Do you want someone to tell you that you are a powerful creator, or that you’re powerless?Being a powerful creator is acknowledging and accepting we control and guide our life with our choices, persistence and faith. Saying you are powerless is stating the conditions of your life are dictating your life story. Know the deliberate creator you are, and know you always write the script. Danny G.