Seek Inner Peace

Revenge will only create more pain. The best means of dealing with anger and bitterness is to accept everyone has their own journey. Accept that not all journeys are evolved. Revenge will only consume your heart and soul. Seek inner peace, for it will create health for your mind and body. Inner peace doesn’t condemn, nor does it seek to accuse another. Inner peace is love, compassion and acceptance for every journey including your own. Danny G. 

Don’t Walk Aimlessly

Would a loving father create a world with nothing in our favor or power? Would a loving God create a world that was merely by chance or happenstance? We doubt his power and fairness, and we walk aimlessly without a means to an end. Don’t let that become you. Embrace the laws that govern humanity, and utilize them for your greatest good and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Don’t Walk Randomly

Do you merely want evolution, or do you want to seek your spiritual evolution? Within your spiritual evolution lies your power and potential. Within your spiritual evolution lies your faith and can do spirit. Don’t walk randomly without a means to an end. Embrace the divinity you are, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

Acting With Wisdom

Treat your body with love and kindness, and it will prosper beyond means. Know that wisdom leads to health and prosperity. Acting on impulse leads to short term gain, but acting with wisdom leads to long term success. Danny G. 

Blocking the Noise

You need to quiet your mind, hear him, know him and have no doubt. Block out the noise, and embrace your heart and soul. Know this stillness and tranquility lives inside you at all times. With this stillness lies a world of knowledge and your potential within. Embrace it, claim it yours, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

Already Yours

Let go of negative attachments, past hurts and disappointments. You have so much potential within you. You have so much more joyous and successful experiences waiting for you. Embrace your freedom, power and claim it yours as though it’s already in the palm of your hands. Danny G.  

Move Forward and Conquer

At times we continue to experience the same mistake again and again. It’s when we recognize what the mistakes teaches, that we move forward and conquer. When we understand its depth, origin and reason for being, we move on and thrive. Danny G. 

Destined to Thrive

You always have two choices. It’s either optimism or pessimism. It’s either faith or fear. It’s either bitterness or compassion. You can remain stuck in the realm of negativity or you can embrace who you truly are, a being of light, destined to thrive. Danny G.