Never supplicate with God, for supplication is an act of lack, not of faith. When you supplicate you deny your faith, for whatever you ask in faith, you know you shall receive it, if it’s God’s will. Know God’s will always has your highest interest at heart. Know God’s will for you is happiness, peace and success. Affirm it, declare it, and know it’s yours through unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.
A Productive Mind
Don’t remain in a state of pessimism and bitterness. Turn it into a productive thought, and see what good may be created from it. Turn the pessimism into fuel for productivity and optimism. And turn the bitterness into fuel for love and compassion. Together, optimism, love and taking action steps, will yield your every desire. Danny G.
New Experiences and Success
Don’t be afraid of taking risks, for you can walk in circles for a lifetime never getting anywhere, remaining stagnant and complacent. Take action when it calls you forth, and know that new action and behavior, leads to new experiences and success. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Good people and loved ones are like medicine. Surround yourself with optimism, faith and compassion, and it’s healing to the body, mind and spirit. Danny G.
When you feel like giving in, remember your dream and destination. For whatever great achievement and success, came from persistence and faith. Every time life challenged you, it reminded you of your dream and purpose. You then conquered it through faith and persistence. Danny G.
The Greatest Creation and Imagination
Don’t be afraid of change and the unknown. For the greatest creation and imagination stems from the unknown. It’s what allows you to redefine yourself and create anew. Face it head on, know you are worthy, know you are capable, and know the universal force is guiding you, every step of the way. Danny G.
The Genuine Self
The wise one doesn’t compete to win, he competes to be the best version of himself while leading others along the way. He doesn’t use comparison to win, nor does he use success as status. He lives life whole heartedly knowing his best is good enough, and himself is good enough. The amount of followers he has does not matter, as it’s only the lives he touches that he holds as victory. He’s fully aware of true success, and he knows it’s simply to be his genuine self. Danny G.
Inner Peace That Surpasses Understanding
You can seek merely worldly knowledge, or you can seek your inner wisdom. Worldly knowledge will only get you so far, but your wisdom within, will find you shelter in the storm, faith over fear, and an inner peace that surpasses all understanding. Danny G.
He Will Answer
Though at times the adversities may seem unbearable and insurmountable, remember the ones who crossed this path and conquered. Don’t look merely to your human self, call the God or Goddess within you, and he will answer. Danny G.
Signs From Our Soul
Growth and our spiritual journey is essentially who we are. When we fight against it, or become complacent, we stunt our inner self and potential within. Expansion comes from listening to our inner guidance and wisdom. Expansion comes from recognizing our growth, and being receptive to the signs from our soul. It means being open minded and seeking inward while knowing there’s an infinite and limitless intelligence calling us forth. Danny G.