The Best You

Would a loving God who created you expect more than your very best? Your only commitment is to be your best where you are with what you have. Your only commitment is to continue moving forward, and expecting growth and expansion. This is your only control, and the only commitment God expects of you. Don’t seek perfection or comparison. Seek the grandest version of you and God, which is simply the best you. Danny G. 

Personal Discovery and Transformation

Remember where you were not so long ago. Acknowledge your growth and progress. Acknowledge what brought you to this very moment of change and transformation. Acknowledge all the falls and detours, for they are what brought you on this journey of personal discovery and transformation. Danny G. 

Painting A Picture

By your choices, you paint a picture of who you truly are. Your choices define you, and you define your choices. The only control we have is through thought, word and deed. The more our thinking, words and deeds are in alignment with the divine, the more we act from the divinity we are. With this power, we can conquer anything, and anything is within our reach. Danny G. 

Open Your Eyes

Don’t allow the chaos or havoc blind you from whatever is good and noble. Don’t allow the misconceptions to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Open your eyes and see the greatness of the universe, and the greatness of who we are. There’s always two perceptions within you, one is of the dark, and the other the light. Choose optimism, faith and good will, and you will become the essence of your thoughts and mission. Danny G. 

Intuition to Thrive

When you feel that inner conflict with your soul from misconceptions, preconceptions and mistranslations, return to your inner wisdom and seek within. All answers are through seeking inward through the divinity we are. When we seek inward, we don’t need another to show us the path, we gladly allow those to teach, but we have our intuition to thrive. Danny G. 

Intention Creation

Intention is everything. You can intend health, happiness and success, or you can intend sickness, pessimism and failure. Whatever is at the forefront of your mind appears as experience and insight waiting to be discovered. Tap into this potential of intention creation, and intend the very best for your life and humanity. Danny G. 

Focus on Your Victory

You can dread the future, focus on pessimism and fears, or you can focus on the journey getting easier and easier. Whatever you focus on, you perpetuate. It’s your choice as you carve the path before you. Nobody is carving it for you, so be the master, declare things are getting easier and easier, and focus on your victory, not the defeat. Danny G. 

Accept Each Season

Winning or losing is not the test. Seeking the grandest version of you is the test you imposed on yourself for your spiritual journey. Being your best where you are with what you have is the self imposed trial that is for your personal transformation and discovery. Don’t fight it, accept each season, and accept each battle which is ultimately for your greatest good and potential within. Danny G. 

Choosing Wisdom Before Chaos

Do I want to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously? Many sleep walk their entire lives bumping into opposition and adversities and not knowing what to do. They become overwhelmed and give in before their breakthrough. Be the one who persists with faith, knowing he can conquer all odds. Be the one who chooses self awareness, before acting on impulse. And be the one who chooses wisdom before chaos. Danny G.