Seasons Of Change

Refusing or not allowing growth is going against the natural flow of life. It’s not accepting seasons of change and seasons of contrast. Successful people embrace the new, and they see opportunities where others see resistance. They see life as expansion and they embrace the expansion, and claim their faith to triumph. Danny G. 

Reignite A Fire

God communicates with us in endless ways. Through the song you listen to about love, through the rainbow you see awaiting for a sign, through the poetry you read that resonates with your soul, through the film you see that changes your perspective, and through your loved ones for their loyalty, support and compassion. God speaks through his subtle voice and at times we disregard, not knowing it comes from him. We only have to remember, then the song will play again, and reignite a fire in the depth of our soul. Danny G. 

Listen to Your Guidance Within

Assess your values and see if they are aligned with your higher self. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for its answers and solutions. Your higher self doesn’t seek merely outside itself for greater knowledge and wisdom. Your higher self knows its values and it knows how to live them. Don’t allow others’ misconceptions and preconceptions to steer you off course. Listen to your inner guidance and what you came forth to be. Danny G. 

Greater Awareness and Peace

When you find the inner peace and joy that surpasses all understanding, you do not wish to change the past or rectify it. You know it brought you to this very moment. You know each season had a purpose and mission. You’re grateful for everything you learned and remembered in this physical plane. You know with this insight you can change your world, and shine your light for greater peace and love. Danny G. 

In Sync With the Universe

When you practice the laws that govern the universe, you live as the true masters. You’re in sync with the divine, and you know you’re in control of your thoughts and emotions. You know your thoughts and emotions create your life story. They don’t control you, as you’re completely aware of your power and guidance as you steer the vessel to your destination and dream. Danny G. 

Faith and Optimism

When you’re living in survival mode and fear, your mind contemplates the worst case scenarios. When you’re living in faith and optimism, your mind focuses on your capabilities and possibilities. The power lies in your hands with whichever path you choose. Be productive with your thoughts and action steps, and allow God to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.

Everything You Need

Don’t wait until you’re in the battlefield before seeking inward for your spiritual evolution. So many wait until they hit a disaster before practicing mindfulness, faith and wisdom. Then they get struck with confusion and doubt. They’re puzzled as to what path to take because they’re not prepared and ready. Prepare yourself by being mindful. Prepare yourself by having faith. Prepare yourself by seeking wisdom which has all the answers and solutions you’re looking for. Then when the battle lies before you, you will have the tools to overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

Contemplating the Truth

There will always be questions we choose to ignore, and sometimes it’s a good thing, and other times it’s not. It’s all about balance, living in the present while not forgetting there’s a future ahead. 

There are those who live in fear never wanting to embark on unknown territory, and there are those who are always taking risks without any contemplation. Living in the present should not ignore future choices and obligations.

So many people act on impulse and forget about the consequences to their actions. They choose what feels good in the moment without giving it much attention. This results in poor choices and negative events and circumstances. 

Seeking inward and wisdom should be contemplating those questions that will be beneficial for our future. Contemplating self care through spiritual rituals, diet, exercise, and sleep are examples of what you can do that will be beneficial for your mind, body and spirit. 

Research has shown that meditation lowers blood pressure, lowers your pulse, and helps you have clarity of thought. Research on meditation also indicate that it lengthens telomeres, which reverses your biological age. Lengthening telomeres also indicates longer life spans. 

And we all know stress has an effect on our mind and body. The opposite of stress is gratitude, appreciation, compassion, optimism and faith. Therefore, we can conclude that the more we focus on these positive emotions, the less stressed we feel. 

Everything is an affirmation whether it’s negative or positive, and an excuse for negativity is also an affirmation. Ongoing stress can cause pessimism or negative thinking of every type. Every negative thought is a form of stress, and we all know that prolonged and ongoing stress affects the body and mind. 

Investing time to remain in a grateful, optimistic and faithful mindset reduces or eliminates stress. It also has creative power for we all know inspiration and great ideas comes from being productive with our thoughts, and focusing on our desired outcome.  

Opportunity to Grow and Thrive

Spending time complaining about boredom and dreading it, only creates unfulfilled desires. Happy people are productive. Happy people take the initiative. And happy people take those moments of inactivity or boredom, and create opportunities to grow and thrive. Danny G. 

Newfound Eyes

When you live life whole heartedly, the universe opens doors you thought were only barriers. You’ll walk onto uncharted territory, and claim it yours. You’ll know source conspires on your behalf, and your only role is to be the best you in your newfound eyes. Danny G.