Be the Eagle

Don’t feed the anger, honor it, embrace it, and use it constructively. Don’t feed the resentment, let go and act with love. Don’t feed the fear, reverse it by affirming the opposite. Feed the right emotions and let go of the old. Be the eagle who rises high above the stormy night. The turbulence doesn’t scare him, for he knows he can find that space of stillness, where the calm settles in with the bright sunrise. He can always find this space of stillness by spreading his wings and soaring. Danny G. 

Destined to Grow

You come into this world to learn the truths that govern humanity. You come into this world to know the infinite limitless being you are. You come into this world to know we’re all interconnected, and we’re all in this together. You learn these truths for your own well being and the well being of others. By knowing these truths, you impart them to the world as a seed destined to grow. Danny G. 

Create Your Work Of Art

In life you’ll move from state to state, and season to season. Every state has something to learn and potential for growth. Don’t remain stuck in the previous states forever, learn from them and expand with the whole of humanity. Don’t fight each season, accept them, embrace them, and create your work of art on the beautiful canvas we call life. Danny G. 

Create Your Beliefs and Expectations

The only control others have over you is their power to convince you of their truth. If you allow them to change your beliefs and expectations negatively, you give them your power. Create your own beliefs and expectations, and allow your inner truths to permeate your soul. Danny G. 

Clarity Of Mind

The best means of accomplishing your dreams is to quiet your mind, and release any misconceptions, limitations and fears. When quieting the mind, you have clarity of thought, therefore, you’re receptive to the signs from your soul. Then your action step is to focus on the desired outcome, don’t procrastinate, and watch it flourish. Danny G. 

Break Free From the Limitations

Get out of your limited mindset, and allow God to work in your life. Your limited mindset says I cannot, and your limited mindset says I’m inferior. God says I live inside you and my spirit has the answers you’re seeking for and the solutions to your challenges. Break free from the limitations holding you down, and allow the divine to work in you, for you and for the greater humanity. Danny G. 

All Interconnected

God is not on the outside of you and the universe. God is in every particle and species in the universe. When you declare God is on the outside, you declare separation. God is unity, male, female, humanity and every particle in the world. Whatever you give or share to another, you also give to yourself, since we are all one in many different forms. Whatever growth you achieve, you grow for humanity at large. We’re all interconnected, so know your role serves a purpose in the expansion of the universe. Danny G. 

All From Within

If you cannot find an answer to your sickness or circumstance, listen to your subconscious mind, for within it, lies whatever the conscious mind hasn’t grasped yet. Look for any misconceptions, fears or resentment. Then reprogram your subconscious mind with positive declarations of your new condition and life. Learn and understand your subconscious mind until it unites with your conscious mind. Then you’ll gain mastery over your challenges and life, and you’ll know every answer is from within. Danny D. 

Always Expanding

God’s laws cannot be extinguished. They always have been and always will be. Your role is to utilize them for your benefit and for others, and to expand with them. God’s laws says I am, and you say I am, and therefore you add to the whole. You grow and by doing so, so do others since we’re all interconnected. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, it was just a different season, and every day is a new creation and a new expansion. Danny G. 

Always A Solution

Would God, the one who created the universe and is the universe, not have every answer and solution to your every concern? Would the infinite intelligence not have the capability and power to bring about your greatest desires? You block this power by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness, and you allow this power when you act out of faith, love and wisdom. Danny G.