Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.
Embrace Your Freedom
Stop being a victim to your environment and circumstances. Speak to it, and embrace your freedom and empowerment. Nobody and nothing controls your thoughts, words and deeds other than you, so declare your faith over the obstacle. Know nothing can stand in your way when you have this faith that can move mountains. Danny G.
Mastery Over Emotion
You are the master of your inner dialogue and inner guidance. Don’t fall prey to pessimism, bitterness and fears. Refocus your inner dialogue into self empowerment and faith. Listen to your guidance within and you’ll discover all your answers, and solutions. Dreams are inevitable through faith and persistence. Danny G.
Let Go and Allow Source
Nobody is locked anywhere, for whatever current situation you’re in, there’s the solution and answer you’re yearning for. If you stop resisting and fighting, the solution will present itself with faith and persistence. Let go and allow source to manifest it for you. Danny G.
Inevitable Creation
Your self worthiness and confidence has a great effect on how you live your life. It defines your future, and your creation. Know you are worthy for expansion on every level and to achieve great things. It all starts with the image you project in your mind of yourself. Declare your worthiness, declare your confidence, and your inevitable creation. Danny G.
Extensions Of Source
We are all extensions of the universal source that lives inside us, and that is the universe. We as extensions of source have all the insight and wisdom we’ll ever need from this power. When in doubt, call to the source that created you and lives inside you. As extensions to the greater whole, we can always ask him for any dream or solution. Danny G.
Creating With the Divine
Why do you doubt the one who created you, who lives inside you and all the universe? For if he created you, he surely wanted you here. If he created you, it must have been out of love. If he created you, he must have had good intentions. Don’t believe life is coincidental or merely evolution. You’re here in this physical plane to discover yourself anew. You’re here to discover your potential within and the power you have through faith. You’re here as the deliberate creator creating with the divine for your ultimate will, purpose and dream. Danny G.
Lessons for Growth
Allow your failures to be lessons for growth and expansion. The failures can either sink you into a pit, or they can be lessons to succeed and thrive. Listen to your failures for they have something to teach, and you’ll recognize they were merely stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Danny G.
Focusing on the Divine
When you sink deep into a pit and you cannot find a means of escape, know the infinite and limitless source always has an answer and solution. Don’t focus so much on the depth of your challenge, or the weight on your shoulders. Focus on the great I AM, and declare I WILL SUCCEED AND THRIVE. Danny G.
Everything Passes With Time
Everything passes in time including your so called failures, and your insurmountable obstacles. Be steadfast, persistent and declare with faith, knowing those failures and obstacles can turn into your greatest success. Danny G.