Wisdom is continuously seeking our soul, and listening and acting on our inner guidance from the divine. With wisdom comes growth, happiness and success, for in achieving wisdom you achieve these states of being. Wisdom is accepting each season and embracing them, and it’s seeking the God or Goddess within us. He has all the answers and solutions to our every challenges, so have faith in the inevitable, in the unity and divinity we are. Danny G.
Honesty With Faith
Be genuine, be sincere, seek honesty in your life and others. Know that integrity opens the door for God to work in your life. Combine your honesty with faith and persistence, and you’ll win every battle that lies before you. Danny G.
Always Within Your Reach
Always be ready for what the universe has to offer you. Positively expect happiness and greater success. You are the master of the vessel guiding your way through the jungles of time and space. Everything is always within your reach with persistence and faith. Danny G.
Growth and Exploration
Don’t seek merely the end product, enjoy the journey and make memories. There is no end, life is a continuous unfolding of growth and exploration. When we seek merely the end product, we don’t live in the moment and embrace all the opportunities for happiness and success. Seek the joy of the moment, and the rest will unfold as you declare it to be. Danny G.
Faith or Fear
You have two choices, faith or fear. Whatever you choose has powerful creation within them. Fear is pessimism about the future, and faith is optimism about the future. Faith or fear is a choice, although you may not be able to resist it at all times, you can always declare your faith, speak about it, and act on it. Danny G.
Embracing Change
Change is necessary for your growth and evolution, and you fight it consistently. Every success, breakthrough and healing came from change and taking risks. Every journey had setbacks and detours, but the ones who embraced change and remained focused on their dream, persevered and had their breakthrough. Danny G.
Embrace the Phoenix You Are
Acceptance is key to move forward and release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to accept the imperfections and contrast of the world. Embrace your freedom and power, and know they’re stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Let go and embrace the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.
Divine Surplus
Don’t focus on just getting by, or merely having your needs supplied. Focus on the infinite limitless source that is in you, that created you, and that created the universe. There is a divine surplus waiting for you when you act with faith and persistence. Danny G.
Discovering Yourself Anew
Self discovery and transformation is why you’re here in this physical plane. You came to discover yourself anew and manifest your deepest desires. Every time you discover yourself, you realize there’s more to discover, and every time you look at the world, you realize there’s more to discover. That is the true process of self discovery and transformation. Danny G.
Safe Haven
The divine will keep you safe as you tread mountains and dark valleys. Trust in his power, in his guiding light to lead you to a safe haven. Don’t doubt his power when fear comes knocking at your door. Have faith that he will cause you to overcome and triumph. Danny G.