Peace in the Chaos

Learn to be at peace despite the chaos or havoc of the world. Don’t allow it to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Be a light to the world in dark valleys. Let your gifts shine for a brighter humanity and a peaceful world. Danny G. 

The Space Of Inner Peace

Persistence, wisdom and faith does not fail. If you continue to seek inward, and choose wisely in your thoughts, words and actions, inevitably you’ll arrive at your destination. You cannot get the opposite of what you’re projecting, so be still, and find that space of inner peace where all is well, and everything is working together for your highest good. Danny G. 

Your Only Role

Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.  

Practice Mindfulness

The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G. 

The Blessings Of Aging

Not accepting aging is not accepting the inevitable perpetuation of life. Life has many seasons, and every season has a purpose within, if you simply listen. Aging is inevitable but declining is optional. The best means of accepting aging is embracing the wisdom, peace of mind, and prosperity that comes with age. Danny G. 

With Open Arms

Instead of fearing and dreading the future, embrace it with open arms knowing you’re in control and you guide the outcome. Let go of the past and create your future. Instead of fearing old age, embrace the wisdom and maturity that comes with age. Instead of fearing death, live life full heartedly with peace and love in your heart. Confront your fear and replace it with your newfound story. You fear the thought so much, it consumes you. Be the leader you declare to be, and allow the divine to orchestrate it all for your blessing and favor. Danny G.  

Beautiful Story

Don’t seek to be without faults. Pursue the journey of imperfections and contrast. We all have weaknesses and flaws, but the ones who achieved greatness took the imperfections and created a  beautiful story of triumph and victory. Danny G. 

Perfection in Imperfection

As I gaze staring at perfection through my eyes, I now see imperfection in disguise. The disguise is illusionary as there is perfection in imperfection, simply a change of perception. Will there always be imperfection standing before me or as a disguise? As long as my perception remains, imperfection remains. Does imperfection lie dormant without a means to defeat it? Defeating it means looking at imperfection, changing your perception, or creating a wonderful work of art. Danny G. 

Conquer and Thrive

Replace darkness with light, by affirming the divinity you are. Replace pessimism with optimism, by letting go of attachment and allowing the good. Affirm the divine source you are, your power, and self control to conquer and thrive. Danny G. 

Reprogramming It

Get to know your subconscious mind. Program it with faith, wisdom and love. Become conscious of your subconscious mind, and reprogram it for success. Allow your conscious mind to unite with your subconscious, so they may work harmoniously with the divinity you are. Danny G.