Always Expanding

God’s laws cannot be extinguished. They always have been and always will be. Your role is to utilize them for your benefit and for others, and to expand with them. God’s laws says I am, and you say I am, and therefore you add to the whole. You grow and by doing so, so do others since we’re all interconnected. Yesterday wasn’t wrong, it was just a different season, and every day is a new creation and a new expansion. Danny G. 

Always A Solution

Would God, the one who created the universe and is the universe, not have every answer and solution to your every concern? Would the infinite intelligence not have the capability and power to bring about your greatest desires? You block this power by giving in to fear, pessimism and bitterness, and you allow this power when you act out of faith, love and wisdom. Danny G. 

Aligned With the Divine

You create all sorts of arbitrary assumptions about God and the world. Your assumptions become your beliefs, expectations and experiences. Don’t allow these assumptions to rule your mind and soul. Only when you accept them as truth, they become your experience and life. Create your own assumptions, and ensure they are aligned with the divine, and then watch it play back as the new reality you created in your mind. Danny G. 

Alignment With God

Know God is all the good in the world, the infinite and limitless intelligence that transcends the universe. Whatever is good is of God, therefore, align yourself with the divine, be optimistic and full of faith that God will see you through, and cause you to thrive. Danny G. 

Act With God

Ego magnifies the challenge, while the divinity you are has faith that can move mountains. When you act out of your ego, you cannot see passed your challenge, but when you act with God, your faith makes ways that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G. 

Meditation and Mental Health

We’ve heard the saying where the mind goes, the body follows. There’s been numerous research on mental health causing more health issues and more complications in our personal lives and in our professional lives as well. Less tolerance for minor problems, greater stress, less productivity or less motivation. 

When our thinking becomes contorted, it affects many areas in our lives. It’s hard to have clarity of thought when we have an overactive mind or when we have obsessive compulsive problems. 

Anxiety can be described as an overactive mind. You may be focused on many concerns in your life or perhaps you’re obsessing over one particular concern. Depression is focusing on a number of different problems or it can be focusing and dreading one particular problem. Either way anxiety, depression and OCD is an overactive mind. 

What is the opposite of an overactive mind? Stillness, tranquility, and inner peace. How do you achieve this state of mind? By doing the opposite of what you’re currently doing. You’re overthinking, so stop thinking so much, and give your brain a break by quieting your mind. 

Go someplace quiet if possible, close your eyes, sit or lie down and try to think of nothing. Focus on your breath. If some thoughts come and they probably will in the beginning of a meditation practice, let them drift and don’t try to fix anything. Let them be, don’t fight it, and let them run their course. In time you’ll think of those thoughts and they won’t cause you great concern. 

There’s a time for contemplation and trying to solve problems, but if you do this all day long without a break, your mind will become exhausted. That’s what causes mental health challenges. 

Try to aim for at least 15 minutes of meditation, but even 10 minutes or 5 minutes can make a difference. Perhaps with time, you’ll work your way up to 15 minutes or 20 minutes. Reflect on this statement, why is sleep so beneficial? Because your mind is at rest, and your brain recuperates. Why is meditation so beneficial? Because your mind is at rest, and your brain recuperates. The only difference is that in meditation your mind is awake, however, your mind still benefits from this practice. 

Try not to compare yourself to others because if you do, you risk not completing the task or quitting all together. I meditate 20 minutes every day, but if I thought because Deepak Chopra wakes up every morning at 4am and meditates for 2 hours, I should do the same, I probably wouldn’t stick to it nor would I want to. 

Assess your needs and determine what’s best for you. You may feel 5 minutes or 10 minutes is plenty to release some resistance and get on with your day. Find what works for you. There should be no comparison, just focus on improving you. 

Accepting Change

To live in wisdom and happiness, you must accept change and embrace it. Not allowing change and not letting go, is fighting the inevitable. Change is constantly happening, and often we get stuck on yesterdays, or wanting to relive the past. Accept your new self, and accept that your life is constantly changing. Embrace it, and remember the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Danny G. 

Walking on A Thin Line

I watched a movie recently and I was fascinated by it. It’s called “The Walk” and it’s a true story. It’s the story of Philippe Petit, a wire walker, who walked between the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York in 1974 on a thin line. 

I was fascinated by his focus and technique in achieving such a task. He was fearless, and he went through such intense training to achieve his dream. As practice, before walking between the World Trade Center, he tried everything on a wire. He walked on a wire while his friends were deliberately shaking the wire, because he knew if it was windy, he would need to practice walking under these conditions. He walked with his hands behind his back to practice balance. Most wire walkers use a poll that they hold horizontally to keep their balance. He practiced laying down on the wire and standing back up. He practiced wire walking endlessly under any and all conditions.

There was also a lot of investigating by himself and his colleagues to find the best procedure of achieving the walk. Investigating included making sure the wire was securely fastened, and stable enough despite the wind and pressure. 

To add more stress to the plan, when investigating, he ended up walking on a plank with a nail sticking out. The nail went through his foot only two weeks before the walk. Despite his girlfriend saying he should not walk with his injury, as many would have said, he persevered and remained steadfast to his dream. When he performed the walk of the Trade Center, blood was still seeping through his sock. He was so fixated on his dream, and confident he could do it, that he didn’t allow anybody else to convince him otherwise. 

Most of his friends who were involved in the planning stages thought from time to time he was losing his mind. He on the other hand, had faith that it could be done, and the minute doubt started creeping in, he returned to his dream. The twin towers were approximately 546m in height and the two towers were approximately 200 feet apart. He decided to perform the walk without a harness, so one misstep, or lack of focus, and he would fall 546m on the grounds of New York. 

We all know wire walking requires tremendous precision and focus. One of his friends and colleagues said everyone that were involved in the planning stages thought at one point that he could fall, but the difference was they had faith in him and they knew it could be done. They wouldn’t allow their thoughts to become an expectation. 

He ended up performing the walk and making headlines all over the world. There were moments he laid down on the wire, and there were moments he saluted his audience on the grounds of New York. He walked across the towers several times while his friends were taking photos of him in astonishment. 

The point of the story I’m trying to make, is what appeared impossible became reality because one man believed, he persevered and he didn’t give in. Almost everyone who accomplished great things had risks involved, and some people such as Phillip Petit even risked death for it. 

Take this insight and memoir and see how it can help you in your life. It’s not very likely you’ll walk on a wire 546m high, and you may even think it’s unwise, as many would believe the same. But look at your own life and know if one man or many beat the odds, so can you. If one man could walk on a thin wire with such precision and focus over 500m in the air, and salute his audience, what can you do with your life?

We all have a body, and we all have a spirit inside us, interconnected to everything in the universe. Use this memoir for your own life. What do you want to do with your life? What are your gifts? What gives you passion and joy? Phillip Petit’s faith, determination, and perseverance can be used in your own life for your own endeavors. Faith, determination and perseverance all comes from within, so you can seek it and claim it yours. Seek inward and you’ll find your calling as Petit found it, and succeeded. With enough faith and persistence you’ll see it through, as the great minds of our time achieved greatness with unwavering faith. 

A Phoenix Born to Triumph

Accept your imperfections with love in your heart. Accept your weaknesses, your flaws, for you’re a spiritual being having a human experience bound to fall from time to time. The only failure is not getting back up again, and allowing your weaknesses to define you. Use your imperfections, weaknesses and flaws to redefine you, and to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, a phoenix, born to triumph. Danny G. 

Shifting Your Beliefs and Expectations

Don’t focus merely on others’ beliefs and expectations, for they have their own agenda, and often it has nothing to do with you. Focus on shifting your beliefs and expectations for your desires and God’s will for your life. Your only control and power remains in I AM, not in others’ misconceptions of who they think you are. Danny G.