Optimal Success

When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G. 

See It Come To Completion

A suggestion or impression has no power over you unless you accept it as fact. You can program your mind with anything you want, so why let others choose for you? There’s a myriad of impressions out there in the world, so choose which ones resonate with your heart and soul. Don’t become immersed with others’ misconceptions, allow your creation to unfold with God’s plan for your life, and see it come to completion. Danny G. 


Don’t be the one who lives in regret at the end of your years. Live your life whole heartedly and be the best version of you. Pursue your dreams, take action steps, and never allow procrastination to become your home. Danny G. 

Sturdy and Strong to Win the Battle

Don’t wait until you’re in seasons of danger before investing time for yourself. For when you’re in moments of panic, it’s difficult to have clarity of thought and assess your thoughts and choose wisdom. But if you invest time for yourself before the storm passes through, and you focus on your spiritual journey, like the palm tree that bends but never falls, you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Danny G. 

Treading Mountains

Your greatest power is your imagination. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and an open mind and you’ll conquer anything. When your faith becomes stronger than your fear or doubt, you win the battle, and you know you can tread mountains before you. Danny G. 

The Universe on Your Side

Know the universe conspires on your behalf, and that nothing is impossible with God. Don’t have a poverty mentality, know God is for you, not against you. When you allow this mentality to shine through, you allow the infinite intelligence to work on your behalf. With this, anything is possible. Danny G. 

Recognize Your Worth

Not every leader and master was born in great knowledge and wealth. Some were born in chaos and havoc, and some suffered turmoil and anguish. Others lived very ordinary lives. Remember this when you feel unworthy and incapable. Know everyone has their own journey and beginning. Remember the phoenix you were born to be, and remember the most important season is recognizing your own worth. Realize there’s a world of knowledge waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G. 

The Center Of Your Being

Deep at the center of your being lies peace that surpasses all understanding. Deep at the center of your being lies wisdom for the heart and soul. Deep at the center of your being lies compassion to spark change. Deep at the center of your being is the limitless infinite source and soul that you are, and that’s destined to be. Danny G. 

Happiness and Fulfillment

Don’t focus on the lack of your desires, focus on how to bring it to fruition. Focusing on lack never brings about your harvest, but focusing on your desires, and taking action steps to your dream, is the best means of achieving happiness and fulfillment. Danny G. 

Love and Peace in Your Heart

Instead of seeking recognition and wealth, seek self worthiness and God. Worthiness of yourself and knowing you are worthy by God, is the best means of achieving success and wealth. And when the wealth and success manifests, you know it’s God’s will, and you know you achieved it with love and peace in your heart. Danny G.