You never cease to be, you’re a growth seeking being, destined to thrive and succeed. You’re an evolved being destined for a spiritual evolution and journey. Don’t stop midway or wander in the desert forever, seek expansion as you create yourself anew every single day. Danny G.
Seek the Internal You
People may affect your external self but they cannot change your internal self. Your internal self is spirit, and this energy cannot be changed or destroyed. When you find your external self is injured, confused or afraid, seek inward where all answers and solutions lies. The more you seek inward, the less your external self will be affected by the adversities of life. Seek inward enough, and you’ll be the master you’re destined to be, a spiritual warrior with the infinite intelligence inside bound to thrive. Danny G.
Quote for Today
Youth is a mindset. Aging is inevitable, but declining is optional. Danny G.
Step Aboard
There’s a spiritual reason for every situation and challenge. If you look merely at the external, your spiritual reason cannot appear. The ego chooses to look at the external, but the soul chooses to seek inward. When you seek inward, the answers and solutions will appear, and it’s up to you to step aboard and manifest it. Danny G.
Ignite A Fire
Your imagination is powerful. It has the potential to create tremendous success. Use it wisely, and use it constructively for you and the well being of others. Ignite a fire in your heart that cannot be extinguished. Danny G.
The Language of the Soul
Emotions are the language of the soul. Whatever you feel deeply within the core of your being is God’s calling for your life. It’s the mission you set forth to be. It’s the purpose you give yourself in this physical plane. Don’t wander in the desert forever without that guiding light shining the way. Don’t walk somebody else’s path. You are unique, authentic and you set the stage for its arrival. Danny G.
Eyes Of Faith
People with unwavering faith see opportunities and the infinite and limitless God we serve. They see potential through their eyes of faith. They don’t shrink back from the adversities, or pull back from the opposition. They know they are in God’s hands, and they allow the divine to work everything out for their greatest good. Danny G.
Planting A Seed
Plant a seed in your subconscious mind, by affirming and repeating your desires. Repeat it as you want it in your minds eye. Persist and claim it yours, until you hold it in the palm of your hands. Danny G.
Within Your Reach
Speak your affirmations in the present as though they’re manifesting now. You have the right to happiness, success and inner peace. As the God or Goddess you are, these emotions and manifestations are within your reach at all times. Allow them to come to fruition in the present now. Danny G.
Affirmative Prayer
God birthed the desires of your heart and soul. Know that those desires that resonate with your soul is from the divine within you. Your action step is through affirmative prayer. When you pray, see it through your minds eye, and then allow it to come to fruition. Danny G.