You are not a slave to your circumstances, environment or conditions. You’re a deliberate creator in this physical plane destined to leave a mark on this generation. Don’t allow the adversities to shape you, speak to them, and allow your reaction to define who you truly are. Danny G.
Programmed the Right Way
Over time we get programmed with mistranslations, misconceptions and contradictions. Mistranslations are beliefs and expectations that have lost their essential meaning. Misconceptions are beliefs and expectations not based on solid truth. Contradictions are beliefs and expectations that have been thwarted from its previous meaning.
We listen to the world around us and little by little, we become programmed with lies. Some knowledge is beneficial, other knowledge are preconceived notions we picked up along our physical trail.
Slowly and gradually we move into others perceptions of reality, and we claim it as ours. Their perception has nothing to do with us, but we call it our own. The more we feed ourselves with these lies, the more we become entrenched in this vicious cycle of life.
Take a step back and assess your emotions. Listen to your feelings and realize if these thoughts create inner peace and wisdom, or confusion and pessimism. God speaks to us through a spirit of peace and mental clarity. He speaks to us through wisdom and inspiration. He’s not a source of confusion or pessimism.
What good can you do in a constant state of confusion and pessimism? Can you uplift others? Can you motivate your loved ones? Confusion creates frustration, uneasiness and poor choices. Pessimism creates unresolved anger, fears of every type and a negative outlook on life.
Eventually this negative thinking wears you out and you become battle fatigue, so much that it’s difficult to summon the enthusiasm to get up. This negative energy has a way of causing exhaustion, sickness and burnouts.
Out of peace, all answers lies. Out of peace springs forth all wisdom. Isn’t it easier to think when your mind is at peace? Isn’t it easier to understand when your mind is at peace? Wisdom combined with inspiration has a way of manifesting your deepest desires.
When you align your thoughts, words and actions with the wisdom of God, you allow the inspiration to lead the way, and surely in time you will arrive at your destination. Don’t allow confusion and pessimism to lead the way, and don’t allow misconceptions and preconceptions to find their way indefinitely in your heart and soul.
Quiet your mind, and find that spirit of stillness and tranquility. In time your strength and vitality will be rejuvenated and replenished. You’ll find that special calling to your happiness and success, and you’ll know it’s destined to be.
Embrace the Simplicity
Effort, and being your best, where you are with what you have is necessary to achieve your desires. However, fighting it, forcing it into being, and going against God’s will won’t yield your desires. Don’t over complicate life, embrace the simplicity of being the best you. Danny G.
Faithful Prayer
When you pray, remain faithful to your prayer. Speak about it, and act as if it were true. Answered prayers mean your mental attitude is aligned with your desire. Combine a faithful attitude with affirmations and action steps to your dream, and nothing can prevent its course. Danny G.
Peace in the Chaos
Learn to be at peace despite the chaos or havoc of the world. Don’t allow it to turn you bitter or pessimistic. Be a light to the world in dark valleys. Let your gifts shine for a brighter humanity and a peaceful world. Danny G.
The Space Of Inner Peace
Persistence, wisdom and faith does not fail. If you continue to seek inward, and choose wisely in your thoughts, words and actions, inevitably you’ll arrive at your destination. You cannot get the opposite of what you’re projecting, so be still, and find that space of inner peace where all is well, and everything is working together for your highest good. Danny G.
Your Only Role
Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.
Practice Mindfulness
The chaos around you doesn’t have to impact you, or confuse you. When your mind is at peace regardless of the havoc or the dismay, you mastered the mind. Practice mindfulness in the midst of confusion and frustration. Don’t allow the adversity to overtake you, practice stillness and tranquility, and let your inner world shine through the dark valleys and stormy night. Danny G.
The Blessings Of Aging
Not accepting aging is not accepting the inevitable perpetuation of life. Life has many seasons, and every season has a purpose within, if you simply listen. Aging is inevitable but declining is optional. The best means of accepting aging is embracing the wisdom, peace of mind, and prosperity that comes with age. Danny G.
With Open Arms
Instead of fearing and dreading the future, embrace it with open arms knowing you’re in control and you guide the outcome. Let go of the past and create your future. Instead of fearing old age, embrace the wisdom and maturity that comes with age. Instead of fearing death, live life full heartedly with peace and love in your heart. Confront your fear and replace it with your newfound story. You fear the thought so much, it consumes you. Be the leader you declare to be, and allow the divine to orchestrate it all for your blessing and favor. Danny G.