Stop expecting the worst predicament and outcome. If you can focus on the worst case scenario, you can focus on the best outcome. Expect the best is yet to come, and it’s manifesting for you now. Accept it in the core of your being, and allow it to come to fruition. Danny G.
Inevitable Success
Make sure what rules your mind and soul is of good nature from the divine. Dwell on God, its infinite powers, and loving compassion. The choice is always within you, so stop focusing on your lack and ego. Allow the divinity you are to transform itself into the greatest version of you, and your inevitable success. Danny G.
Tend to the Inner You
You can become so immersed into achieving material wealth or attaining a life of luxury that you neglect your spiritual well being. Life is about balance, and it’s fine to want wealth, but don’t neglect yourself in the process. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is greater than you heart and soul. You neglect yourself by thinking wealth is the only path to joy. Tend to the inner you, be the best version of you, seek balance, and then seek wealth, and allow it to come to fruition. Then you’ll give with love and gratitude in your heart, knowing it was God’s intention from the start. Danny G.
Let Success Rule
Failure becomes yours when you accept it in the core of your being. Failure becomes yours when you allow others to make you feel unworthy or inadequate. Let success rule your mind and soul, and be defined by the grandest version of who you are, not misconceptions of who you think you are. Danny G.
The Subconscious and the Conscious
When your subconscious mind and conscious mind unite, they create miracles and unwavering faith that cannot be shaken. Teach your subconscious thoughts to be mindful and wise, so your wisdom may spring forth and create the essence of your desire. Danny G.
Optimal Success
When you think of God, make sure your thoughts emanate who he truly is, not misconceptions that are fabricated by men. It’s easy to let the thoughts of the world convince us otherwise, and allow others’ preconceptions to take root. Be the leader, choose your life path, and let God be who he truly is, a loving father who always has your best interest at heart, and who is always guiding you to your optimal success and victory. Danny G.
See It Come To Completion
A suggestion or impression has no power over you unless you accept it as fact. You can program your mind with anything you want, so why let others choose for you? There’s a myriad of impressions out there in the world, so choose which ones resonate with your heart and soul. Don’t become immersed with others’ misconceptions, allow your creation to unfold with God’s plan for your life, and see it come to completion. Danny G.
Don’t be the one who lives in regret at the end of your years. Live your life whole heartedly and be the best version of you. Pursue your dreams, take action steps, and never allow procrastination to become your home. Danny G.
Sturdy and Strong to Win the Battle
Don’t wait until you’re in seasons of danger before investing time for yourself. For when you’re in moments of panic, it’s difficult to have clarity of thought and assess your thoughts and choose wisdom. But if you invest time for yourself before the storm passes through, and you focus on your spiritual journey, like the palm tree that bends but never falls, you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Danny G.
Treading Mountains
Your greatest power is your imagination. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and an open mind and you’ll conquer anything. When your faith becomes stronger than your fear or doubt, you win the battle, and you know you can tread mountains before you. Danny G.